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• <br /> ii, Notwithstanding the foregoing; the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to <br /> the City for damages sustained by it by virtue of a breach of the Agreement by <br /> Contractor and the City may reasonably withhold payment 10 Contractor for the <br /> purposes of set-off until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City <br /> • • from the Contractor is determined. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be <br /> entitled to incidental, punitive,indirect or consequential damages, including but not <br /> limited to,•;ost reve;tuc or lust profits, as ii result:,f termination of its Services under <br /> this Agreement. <br /> 13- Termination for c„Qnyeniencc of City. The City may, for its convenience and without cause <br /> terminate the Services then remaining to be performed at any tittle by giving Contractor ten <br /> (10) days.t‘Tittert notice. The terms of Paragraph A(i)and A(ii) above shall be applicable <br /> hereunder. <br /> C. Termination for Ilisolvencv. The City also resen'es the right to terminate the remaining <br /> Services to be performed in the event the Contractor is placed either in voluntary or <br /> involuntary bankruptcy or niakes any assienntent for the benefit of creditors. <br /> E. Termination by Contractor. In the event the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it <br /> to be.terminated, then Contractor shall indemnify the City against any loss pertaining to this <br /> ter!nination up to a maximum of the full contracted fee amount. <br /> 10. . FORCE MAJEURE. City and Contractor will be excused front the performance of their <br /> respective obligations under this agreement when and to the extent that their performance is delayed <br /> or prevented by any circumstances beyond their reasonable control including, fire, flood, explosion, <br /> hurricane, strikes or other labor disputes; act of God or pul•,lic crnereencv, war, riot, civil <br /> commotion_ malicious damage, act or omission of any governmental authority, delay or failure or <br /> shortage of any type of transportation; equipment, or service from a public utility needed for their <br /> performance, provided that: <br /> (a) the non-performing party gives the other party prompt written notice describing the <br /> particulars of the Force Majeure including, but not limited to, the nature of the occurrence and its <br /> expected duration and continues to furnish timely reports thereto during the period of the Force <br /> Majeure; . <br /> (b) the excise of.performance is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required <br /> by Force Majeure; <br /> ((;) no obligations GU either party that arose before the Force Majeure causing the excuse of <br /> performance are expected as a result of the Force Majeure;and <br /> (d) the non•perforniance party uses its best efforts to remedy its inability to perform. <br /> t. BACKGROUND CHECKS. A criminal background check will be required for am'employee of <br /> the Contractor performing Services under this Agreement. The Contractor shall be required to perform <br /> - the criminal background check at their own sole cost and expense through the City. The Contractor shall <br /> • ensure that only"their properly designated employees listed with the City Manager be permitted to <br /> perform Services, in the event the designated employees are removed by the Contractor, the Contractor <br /> shall immediately notify the City Manager or his designee_ Additionally, identification cards will be <br /> provided by the City at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. Contractor shall ensure that all designated <br /> employees'year the City's providedidentification cards while performing Services. <br /> 0477-iStb-rIE-ACTION LABOR MANAGEMENT L.t.0 l)BA STAFFING CONNECTION Page 7ur10 S 18 <br />