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Testimony/Public Participation: <br /> A list of all individuals who will be called as witnesses during the hearings, shall be provided to the <br /> City Clerk, five (5) days prior to the hearing. At the beginning of the hearing,the City Clerk shall <br /> call each witness by name, one-by-one, in order to swear each person in. Any witness who wishes <br /> to testify during the hearing and is not included in the previously provided witness list, shall be <br /> sworn in after all witnesses on the list are sworn in, and prior to testifying. All witnesses providing <br /> testimony must appear by video conference. The City Clerk shall administer the oath to any <br /> individual who is appearing by video conference and shall establish the identity of the witness on <br /> the record as well as the witness's consent for the hearing to be recorded. <br /> A phone number and email address will be provided for individuals who may have questions on <br /> how to access the meeting or participate in the meeting, prior to the date of the meeting. <br /> MINUTES: <br /> Minutes, a transcript, and/or recording of the meeting will be kept as customary. <br /> 2 <br />