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<br />c. Recipient agrees to include the following indemnification in all contracts with contractors, subcontractors,
<br />consultants, or subconsultants (each referred to as "Entity" for the purposes of the below indemnification)
<br />who perform work in connection with this Agreement:
<br />"To the extent provided by law, [ENTITY] shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the
<br />[RECIPIENT] and the State of Florida, Department of Transportation, including the Department's
<br />officers, agents, and employees, against any actions, claims, or damages arising out of, relating
<br />to, or resulting from negligent or wrongful act(s) of [ENTITY], or any of its officers, agents, or
<br />employees, acting within the scope of their office or employment, in connection with the rights
<br />granted to or exercised by [ENTITY] hereunder, to the extent and within the limitations of Section
<br />768.28, Florida Statutes.
<br />The foregoing indemnification shall not constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the limits
<br />set forth in Florida Statutes, Section 768.28. Nor shall the same be construed to constitute
<br />agreement by [ENTITY] to indemnify [RECIPIENT] for the negligent acts or omissions of
<br />[RECIPIENT], its officers, agents, or employees, or third parties. Nor shall the same be construed
<br />to constitute agreement by [ENTITY] to indemnify the Department for the negligent acts or
<br />omissions of the Department, its officers, agents, or employees, or third parties. This
<br />indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement."
<br />d. The Recipient shall, or cause its contractor or consultant to carry and keep in force, during the term of this
<br />Agreement, a general liability insurance policy or policies with a company or companies authorized to do
<br />business in Florida, affording public liability insurance with combined bodily injury limits of at least $200,000
<br />per person and $300,000 each occurrence, and property damage insurance of at least $200,000 each
<br />occurrence, for the services to be rendered in accordance with this Agreement. The Recipient shall also,
<br />or cause its contractor or consultant to carry and keep in force Workers' Compensation Insurance as
<br />required by the State of Florida under the Workers' Compensation Law. With respect to any general liability
<br />insurance policy required pursuant to this Agreement, all such policies shall be issued by companies
<br />licensed to do business in the State of Florida. The Recipient shall provide to the Department certificates
<br />showing the required coverage to be in effect with endorsements showing the Department to be an
<br />additional insured prior to commencing any work under this Agreement. Policies that include Self Insured
<br />Retention will not be accepted. The certificates and policies shall provide that in the event of any material
<br />change in or cancellation of the policies reflecting the required coverage, thirty days advance notice shall
<br />be given to the Department or as provided in accordance with Florida law.
<br />16. Maintenance Obligations: In the event the Project includes construction then the following provisions are
<br />incorporated into this Agreement:
<br />a. The Recipient agrees to maintain any portion of the Project not located on the State Highway System
<br />constructed under this Agreement for its useful life. If the Recipient constructs any improvement on
<br />Department right-of-way, the Recipient
<br />® shall
<br />❑ shall not
<br />maintain the improvements located on the Department right-of-way for their useful life. If the Recipient is
<br />required to maintain Project improvements located on the Department right-of-way beyond final
<br />acceptance, then Recipient shall, prior to any disbursement of the state funding provided under this
<br />Agreement, also execute a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement in a form that is acceptable to the
<br />Department. The Recipient has agreed to the foregoing by resolution, and such resolution is attached and
<br />incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit "D". This provision will survive termination of this Agreement.
<br />17. Miscellaneous Provisions:
<br />a. The Recipient will be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable environmental regulations, for
<br />any liability arising from non-compliance with these regulations, and will reimburse the Department for any
<br />loss incurred in connection therewith. The Recipient will be responsible for securing any applicable permits.
<br />The Recipient shall include in all contracts and subcontracts for amounts in excess of $150,000, a provision
<br />requiring compliance with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air
<br />