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INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY <br />AND ALLFIRST RESPONDER AGENCIES <br />OPERATING IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY <br />FOR DIRECT RADIO COMMUNICATION BETWEEN 911 PUBLIC <br />SAFETY ANSWERING POINTS AND FIRST RESPONDER AGENCIES <br />This Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into by and between Miami -Dade County as <br />the metropolitan sheriff operating by and through the Miami -Dade Police Department (hereinafter, <br />the COUNTY) and all first responder agencies operating within Miami -Dade County (See Exhibit <br />A), including those agencies that operate their own 911 public safety answering points (See <br />Exhibit B) (hereinafter, FIRST RESPONDER AGENCY(IES)). <br />WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the sheriff of Miami -Dade County, Florida, to ensure that <br />each 911 public safety answering point (hereinafter, PSAP) is capable of direct radio <br />communications with first responders and dispatchers within the surrounding area for which the <br />PSAP would not otherwise provide dispatch; and <br />WHEREAS, public safety is best served when emergency services are dispatched <br />appropriately and neighboring first responder agencies can share information and communicate <br />seamlessly in the event of an emergency, even when calls are misrouted based on the <br />geographical location from which the call originated; and <br />WHEREAS, section 365.179, Florida Statutes requires each sheriff, in collaboration with all <br />first responder agency heads in his or her county, to facilitate the development and execution of <br />written interlocal agreements between all primary first responder agencies within the county to <br />coordinate direct radio communication between 911 PSAPs and FIRST RESPONDER <br />AGENCIES regarding dispatch and communication protocols; and <br />WHEREAS, each agreement must establish written protocols that outline circumstances and <br />public safety emergencies under which a PSAP will directly provide notice by radio of an <br />emergency to the on -duty personnel of a first responder agency for which the PSAP does not <br />