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SECTION I. PURPOSE <br />This Interlocal Agreement sets forth the protocols under which a PSAP will directly provide <br />notice by radio of a public safety emergency to the on -duty personnel of a FIRST RESPONDER <br />AGENCY for which the PSAP does not provide primary dispatch functions, and methods by which <br />agencies will conduct such communications. <br />SECTION II. DEFINITIONS USED HEREIN <br />A. "First responder agency" includes each law enforcement agency and fire service agency that <br />is designated as a primary first responder for the service area in which a 911 public safety <br />answering point receives 911 calls. See Exhibit A for a comprehensive list of first responder <br />agencies operating in COUNTY. <br />B. "911 public safety answering point" or "PSAP" means a municipal or county emergency <br />communications or 911 call center in this state that receives cellular, landline, or text-to-911 <br />communications. See Exhibit B for a comprehensive list of PSAPs operating in COUNTY. <br />C. "Public safety emergency" is a law enforcement emergency or priority situation including, but <br />not limited to incidents such as an active shooter, mass casualty incident, act of terrorism, civil <br />disturbance or other similar urgent/unstable situation where serious bodily injury or the loss of <br />human life is imminent and/or occurring. This definition excludes calls dispatched as a 3-41, <br />a sick or injured person, wherein the emergency is entirely medical. <br />SECTION III. JOINT OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES <br />A. The Parties hereby agree to and shall, immediately upon execution of this Agreement, <br />pursuant to Florida Statutes § 365.179(4), unless technologically precluded due to radio <br />incompatibility, authorize any and all requesting agencies in COUNTY or an adjacent <br />jurisdiction to install a responding agency's primary dispatch channel or channels in the <br />requesting PSAP, dispatch center, and/or mobile or portable radios. <br />B. Each Party is required to train all applicable personnel regarding the procedures and protocols <br />specified in this Agreement. The training must also include radio functionality and how to <br />3 <br />