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2 <br /> <br />Q7. Section 3.6.3 of the RFP makes reference to an EDP audit. Also page 39 requires a total <br />price for an EDP audit. Please provide sufficient information regarding the EDP audit and <br />the information systems that you want covered in order to allow us to project a fee. Are all <br />the systems managed in-house? <br />A7. In reference to the EDP audit, per the City’s Chief Information officer, the total network <br />size is approximately 400 nodes, and about 100 servers. <br /> <br />The firm must describe the nature and extent of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) audit <br />techniques to be used, if requested by the City to perform the Services by the <br />Proposer in the examination of the City’s financial statements, and provide a <br />description of work to be done in accordance with current applicable auditing standards <br />(effects of EDP on the auditors study and evaluation of Internal Control). <br /> <br />Q8. 8. Section 3.6.3 of the RFP makes reference to an EDP audit. When was the last year <br />that the City obtained an EDP audit? Was the EDP audit performed by the current City <br />auditor? <br />A8. The City has not had a need for an EDP audit. The specifications were included in the <br />RFP for the firm to address if they have the experience/qualifications to complete an EDP <br />audit in the case the City requests one. <br /> <br />Q9. Can you provide a copy of the last auditor’s contract? <br />A9. Attached. <br /> <br />Q10. Please provide the auditor’s last engagement letter. <br />A10. Attached. <br /> <br />Q11. Was there a separate single audit reporting package for FYE 9/30/20 and, if so, can <br />you provide it? <br />A11. No, a single audit was not required for FYE 9/30/20. <br /> <br />Q12. 4. How much were the audit fees for each year of the last contract period, or, at a <br />minimum, for the last 3 years? <br />A12. FY19: $42,500. FY20: $42,500. Allocated PO FY21: $44,450. <br /> <br />Q13. What is the expected budget for the FYE 2022 audit? <br />A13. The budget for FY 2022-23 has not yet been finalized. <br /> <br />Q14. When on-site, pre-COVID, how long were the auditors in the field for preliminary and <br />for final? <br />A14. One week for preliminary and two weeks for final. <br /> <br />Q15. When on-site, pre-COVID, what months were the auditors were in the field for <br />preliminary and for final? <br />A15. Late July/Early August for preliminary and November for final. The City reserves the <br />right to adjust this schedule as needed. <br /> <br />Q16. Do you expect the 2022 and succeeding audits to be performed, primarily, on site or <br />remotely? Do you have a preference? <br />A16. On-site is preferred. <br /> <br />