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City of Sunny dsles Beach 1,8070 Crinins Avenue, Sunny isles Beach, Florida 33160 <br />(305) 947-06.06 phone (305) 949-3113 Fax <br />9.3 If, within une (1) year after the date of completion of Services or such lunger <br />period of time as ma#y, be pretigribed by the terms of any applicable special <br />ivar6fity ri;quir�d by the Contract Documents, or by any specific provision(i) of <br />this Agreement, any of; the work is found -to be defcetive or not in accordance wifh <br />this •Agreement, Conttactor,! after receipt of written notice from the City or its <br />designee, shall promptly ewe"Ot such defective .or nonconforming work within the r <br />time specified by the City without cost to the City. Nothing eontaincd herein shall <br />be construed to establish a period; of limitation with respect to any other <br />obligation which Contractor might have under (his Agreement including but not <br />liinited to any claim regarding latent defects. <br />9.4 Failure to.reject any dcfective•work or material shall not in any way prevent <br />later rejection when such defeat is discovered, or obligate the City to final <br />aoccptaacc, <br />9.5 NVhgrc the City or its designee becomes aware of faults, defects or non- <br />conformity in any of the work provided under this Agreefnent, or with the work- <br />being <br />orkbeing performed'hy the Conuador,• the City or its designee shall issue it Notice tQ <br />Curc•to- the Contrsctor for cotrectiod. In no- event shall the failure of the City or its <br />designee to bring to the aactitioti of. the Contractor of sixth faults act ssi a waiver <br />or reledsb the Cpnuactor from responsibility or liability for such fault, defect or <br />non -conforming wbr-L <br />10. TERMINA77ON AND REWDIEES FOR BRLACH. <br />A. U. 'through any cause witb:m reasonable control, the Cdritractor shall'fail to iulfill <br />in a timely manner- -or otherwise: violate any of the covenants, Agreements or <br />stipule;ions material to this Agrceriient, the City shall havc-the right to terminate <br />the Services T*g <br />hea rcmai. to be performed Prior, to .the e,ielr6ise gi its 9 oil to <br />teiiiiinate fpr cause+ tho .*q(y shall 'notify the Contractor of its, violation of the <br />particular terms of -the Agreeroent andoani Contractor•ten (10).days to cure such <br />defsull. If the default remains uncured after ten (10) days. the City.may terminale <br />this Agreement, and the City .shall receive 'a refund from the .Contractor in aii <br />amount equal -to the- actual. cost of a third party to cure such failure, If Coiitractof <br />fails, refii.5es or is unable tb perform.any tckm of this Agrcftent,'C}ty sl OI Pay for <br />service§ rendered a5 -ofthe date -of terinination. <br />(i•) iTM the event of terMin4fi9n, all Unshed -and.un4nished documents, data and <br />other work product preparod by Coxitroc im shall be dclivcrcd to the. -City and <br />'thn City shall 'comperisate the Contractor for all Services 'satisfadtorily <br />per•'formed prigfto the date of termination. <br />(ii.) Notwithstanding the:-forogoing, the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability <br />to the City for damages sustained'by it by vittuo•of a breacb, of the Agreement <br />by Contractor and the City r ay reasonably Withhold payment to Contractor <br />for the "ages itf•set•off until such time as the exact amptmt of'datpages due <br />the. City L oin the Contractor is detefrnined, <br />$QAO.42881oida Rntn�'rs.:s,;fne. 8 <br />