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Disclaimers <br />a Agreement docs not include anything other than mechanical machineryicor dyes it-iitclude <br />'any labor for ductwork:, insulation, hardware, coil eleatung, blower, external electrical, <br />piping, crane, or dudes parforrited by other trades not covered under our liscense. <br />o Agreement does not include qny major component.or-eguipmcat part, such as motors, gear <br />reducers, VFDs etc. Nfaterial•will be furnished at standard selling price plus maik-up from supplies <br />0 Building engineer will be instructed in the operation of equipment for optimal -use. <br />o Any additions, alterations, adjustments, or repairs made by others without our wrictbn <br />authorization shall terminate our obligations'under this agreement. And we will not be held <br />responsible ON have any obligations hereunder for domages or charges associated with any <br />service work performed by aaother trade. <br />o Any repairs -we deem necessary. that will result in added cost are to be. authori2ed by the <br />customer prior to commencement of Work, and only after receipt of written consent. <br />o In the event them is an euipment failure caused by an electrical or water problem, erosion, <br />age or condition; act of God, or arty causes beyond our control, customer shall reimburse <br />us for the expense iacurred in making the service call and repairs in question. <br />o Injury to persods or costs associated with arty damages to property due W delay in <br />furniaWnS labor or material for services or repair will not be the responsibilty of this <br />contractor, nor will we be held liable for pny-consequential damage. <br />o Any violation on the part of the customer of any of the tefts of this agreement, or -non- <br />payment of bills rendered wilititt (30) days of m iicing shall be sufficient cause for <br />:cdntrActor to tetminate this agreednent without notice aitd be relieved of our responsibility <br />under this agreement. Customer agrees to -pity contractor any and all attoniey's-fees, if <br />required, and monies due upon cancellation of #tis dontract. <br />o 'Water chemical. treatment service was construction deficiencies are excluded from agreement. <br />We propose -hereby to provide the above-described service for the firsi year payable each month <br />bi advance for ere sunt of <br />per month; $1,790.00 <br />per attnum: $21,480.00 <br />Payment to be made as follows: Check made payable. to Jorda Mech'atti4el withift� O Deys <br />Note: This.proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days <br />er .wi(k your team on tfils ventara T7i ank you. <br />„W, a look forttirrrd to working togeth <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />