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an employee it deems careless; incompetent, insubordinate, or otherwise objectionable and <br />whose continued employment is not in the best interest of the City. Prior to performing work in <br />the City pursuant to this Agreement, all managers and employees of Contractor, any independent <br />contractors, and any subcontractors (collectively "Personnel") shall be required to undergo <br />background checks as follows: <br />1. The Contractor shall submit to the City's Project Manager within five (5) days of tile, <br />execution of the Agreement a list of ail Personnel proposed to perform work under the <br />Agreement; <br />il. The list of Personnel identified in subsection (i) shall be updated within twenty four (24) <br />hours of when changes occur; <br />iii. A. thorough State and national background check that identifies an individual's entire <br />criminal history shall be conducted by the City for each of Contractor's Personnel in <br />accordance with Section 435.03, Florida Statutes (level 2 screening) and all other <br />applicable law; <br />iv. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of the background check described herein <br />which is $67.75 per, person payable to the City; <br />V. A background check shall be conducted on now Personnel prior to performing any work <br />under the Agreement, and on each Personnel automatically at least once every five years. <br />If any Personnel leaves Contractor's employ and returns, the Personnel will need to have <br />their background check cleared again through the City; and <br />vi. Failure of Contractor to comply with the provisions of Section 11, herein, shall be cause <br />for termination of the Agreement. <br />1� . E -VERIFY. Beginning January 1, 2021, Contractor shall be responsible for complying <br />with the E -Verify requirements set forth in Florida Statute 448.095. <br />13. JURISDICTION,YENUE AND WAIVER OF JURY M-4--. This Agreement shall <br />be interpreted and construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. <br />All parties agree and accept that,lurisdiction of any dispute or controversy arising out of this <br />Agreement, and any action involving the enforoement or interpretation of any rights hereunder <br />shall be brought exclusively in tine Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami Dade County, <br />Florida, and venue for litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be oxclusivoly in such state <br />courts, forsaking any other jurisdiction which either party may claim by virtue of its residency <br />or other jurisdictional device. In the event it becomes necessary for the City to file a lawsuit to <br />enforce any term or provision under this Agreement and the City is the. prevailing party theh the <br />City shall be entitled to its costs and attorney's fees at the pretrial, trial and appellate levels. BY <br />ENTERING INTO THIS AGREEMENT, CONTRACTOR AND CITY HEREBY <br />EXPRESSLY WAIVE, ANY RIGHTS EITHER PARTY MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY <br />OF ANY CIVIL LITIGA'T'ION RRLA"TED TO THiS AGREEMENT. Nothing in this <br />Agreement is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity, or of any other immunity, <br />defense, or privilege enjoyed by the City pursuant to Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. <br />14, GOVERNING LAW VENUE AND ATTORNEYS FEES. It is agreed that this <br />Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State <br />of Florida. Venue for any legal proceeding shall be in Miami Dade County, Florida. In the event <br />it becomes necessary for the City to file a lawsuit to enforce any term or provision under this <br />Agreement and the City is the prevailing party then the City shall be entitles( to its costs and <br />attorney's fees at the pretrial, trial and appellate levels. <br />2020-7550 - ViSUALSCAPE, INC <br />