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WHEREAS, because the Contractor is currently performing the utility undergrounding in <br />the aforementioned area, the Contractor is best suited to perform the additional storm <br />drainage work, as it is fully aware of the complications involved with logistics, traffic control and <br />the unique local conditions, thereby resulting in the minimization of disruptions or <br />inconveniences to the residents of Golden Shores; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 62-13(C) of the City's Purchasing Code, purchases made <br />under state general service administration contracts, federal, county or other governmental <br />contracts or competitive bids with other governmental agencies, are exempt from the <br />competitive bidding requirements set forth in Chapter 62; and <br />WHEREAS, the Contractor has submitted Change Order No. 4 for addition of new catch <br />basins, manholes and drainage piping, in an amount not to exceed $304,802.32, utilizing pricing <br />from the FDOT - Miscellaneous Drainage Improvement Contract (E61_97); and <br />WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to approve Change Order No. 4 to the <br />Agreement with The Stout Group, Inc. for the Construction of the Golden Shores Utility <br />Undergrounding Project, in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Four Thousand Eight <br />Hundred Two Dollars and Fifty -Two Cents ($304,802.52), bringing the total contract amount not <br />to exceed Seven Million Two Hundred Fifty -Four Thousand One Hundred Sixty -Six Dollars and <br />Thirty -Two Cents ($7,254,166.32), attached hereto as Exhibit "A". <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SUNNY <br />ISLES BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Approval of Change Order No. 4. The City Commission hereby approves Change <br />Order No. 4 to the Agreement with The Stout Group, Inc. for the Construction of the Golden <br />Shores Utility Undergrounding Project, in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Four <br />Thousand Eight Hundred Two Dollars and Fifty -Two Cents ($304,802.52), bringing the total <br />contract amount not to exceed Seven Million Two Hundred Fifty -Four Thousand One Hundred <br />Sixty -Six Dollars and Thirty -Two Cents ($7,254,166.32), attached hereto as Exhibit "A". <br />Section 2. Authorization of City Manager. The City Manager is hereby authorized to do all <br />things necessary to effectuate this Resolution. <br />Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of October 2022. <br />Dana Robin Goldman, Mayor <br />@BCL@F40B1126.doc Page 2 of 3 <br />