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CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />City of Sunny lsles Beach <br />18070 Collins Avenue <br />Sunny lsles each, F133160 <br />Telephone: (305) 947-0606 Fax: (305) 949-3113 <br />lamthe !.re Pe<iae,/rt- e1 T$z Par,ur <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT <br />The award of any contract hereunder is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida State Statutes. Proposers <br />must disclose with their Bids, the name of any officer, director, partner, associate or agent who is also an officer or <br />employee of the City of Sunny lsles Beach or its agencies. <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />COUNTY OF Pn<,,u*,',\- <br />BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority, personally appe.r"6 Por.r- + E Dk,n,t <br />who was duly sworn, deposes, and states: <br />7 Frt fl^" \ LL2-with a local <br />office in Ivr r. <br />in \.\\,{ d,t\^ar' <br />2. The above named entity is submitting a Bid for the City of Sunny lsles Beach,Bid No. aa -l>- ot <br />described as (;\wi,^c P,,,>..g :-k2Jia<< The Affiant has madediligent <br />inquiry and provides the information cofit6ined in this Affidavit based upon his own knowledge. <br />3. The Affiant states that only one submittal for the above Bid is being submitted and that the above named <br />entity has no financial interest in other entities submitting Bids for the same project. <br />4. Neither the Affiant nor the above named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, <br />participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraints of free competitive pricing in connection <br />with the entity's submittal for the above Bid. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the <br />completion of negotiations jf necessary and execution of the Contract for this project. <br />8. I certify that no member of the entity's ownership or management, or staff has a vested interest in any <br />aspect ofthe City of Sunny lsles Beach. <br />9. ln the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, l, on behalf of the above <br />named entity, will immediately notify the City of Sunny lsles Beach. <br />Dated this 5 day of -Ia-rrv*rv\,2 o>36{E*\a,*.ua,,- L . S-.-:n r*4 L.I Lat S VPcf (a-tcs <br />AFF IANT Print or Type Name and tle <br />5wol6 to and subscribed b <br />E/ Personally Known, OR <br />.'1^ <br />efore me this .<day of 5+**a<q- <br />E Produced ldentification - Type of ldentification <br />6rBr y-h^geu\ \{Bc#- <br />a.20 <br />StBll(lrEEu HACX <br />Notary Publi( - tt!t. of Florid! <br />Emd€d through National tlotiry Atln, <br />y Coftln. Erplrar 1,2021 <br />, HH 20852NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA <br />5of8 <br />0 <br />and principal office <br />5. Neither the entity nor its affiliates, nor anyone associated with them, is presently suspended or otherwise <br />ineligible from participation in contract letting by any local, State, or FederalAgency. <br />6. Neither the entity, nor its affiiiates, nor anyone associated with them have any potential conflict of <br />interest due to any other clients, contracts, or property interests for this pro.iect. <br />7. I certify that no member of the entity's ownership or management is presently applying for any employee <br />position or actively seeking an elected position with the City of Sunny lsles Beach. <br />lr-