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22.3 If an emergency condition should develop during any portion of Services, the <br />Contractor must immediately notify the Cite Manager or his designee of each and every <br />occurrence. The Contractor should also recommend any appropriate course(s) of action to the <br />Cit. <br />ARTICLE 23. PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS <br />23.1 If there is a conflict or inconsistence between any term. statement requirement, or <br />provision of any Exhibit or Attachment hereto; any document or events referred to herein; or any <br />document incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference and a term, statement, <br />requirement, specifications and plans, or provision of the Contract Documents. the following order <br />of precedence shall apple: <br />23.2 In the event of conflicts in the Contract Documents the order of precedence stated <br />below shall govern. <br />(i) Revisions and Change Orders to this Agreement <br />(ii) This Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time <br />(iii)Contractors Proposal to the Cite. attached hereto as Attachment "A" <br />(iv)Pricing terms and conditions per County of Fairfax, Virginia, Contract No. RQl 1- <br />205753 -10A <br />Where provisions of laws. codes, manufacturer's specifications or warranties or <br />industry standards are in conflict, the more restrictive or higher quality shall govern <br />23.3 In the event of conflicts with any drawings, plans and /or specifications, the priorities <br />stated below shall govern: <br />(i) Schedules, when identified as such shall govern over all other portions of <br />the plans <br />(ii) Specific notes shall govern over all other notes, and all other portions of <br />the plans, unless specifically stated otherwise <br />(iii) Larger scale drawings shall govern over smaller scale drawings <br />(iw) Figured or numerical dimensions shall govern over dimensions obtained <br />by scaling <br />(w) Where provisions of codes. manufacturer's specifications or industry <br />standards are in conflict. the more restrictive or higher quality shall govem <br />23.4 In the event omissions in the Contract Documents are not complete as to any incidental <br />detail of construction or construction system or with regard to the manner of combining or <br />installing equipment, parts, or materials. such detail shall be deemed to be an implied requirement <br />of the Contract Documents. "Minor Detail" shall include the concept of substantially identical <br />components, where the price of each such component is small. The quality and quantity of the <br />equipment, material, or part so furnished shall conform to trade standards and be compatible with <br />the type, composition, strength, size and profile of the equipment, materials or parts otherwise <br />specified in the Contract Documents. <br />15 J <br />