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DocuSign Envelope ID: 2798FEC2-B6A8-4F8D-AC90-7D282B938798 <br />LA PLAYA BEACH ASSOCIATES, LLC. <br />WRITTEN CONSENT <br />La Playa Beach Holdings, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company, the Member (the "Member") <br />of La Playa Beach Associates, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company"), hereby <br />adopts, by written consent, the following resolutions: <br />WHEREAS, the Member deems it advisable and in the best interests of the Company that <br />Ronald L. Choron be designated as an authorized representative of the Company and be authorized to <br />sign any document relating any city, county, or governmental matter including but not limited to, pen -nits <br />and other submissions, on behalf of the Company. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT <br />RESOLVED, that the Company be, and it hereby is, authorized, empowered and directed, and <br />Ronald L. Choron (an "Authorized Person"), acting on behalf of the Company be, and hereby is, <br />authorized, empowered, and directed, to sign any document relating any city, county or governmental <br />matter including but not limited to, pen -nits and other submissions, on behalf of the Company. <br />RESOLVED, that the taking of actions and or steps authorized by any of the foregoing <br />resolutions, and each of them, by or at the direction of the Authorized Person be, and it hereby is <br />authorized and empowered to be, deemed conclusive proof of the approval thereof by the Authorized <br />Person. and <br />RESOLVED, that the authorities hereby conferred shall be deemed retroactive, and any and all <br />acts authorized herein that were performed prior to the passage of these resolutions be, and they hereby <br />are, approved, ratified and confirmed in all respects. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed the Written Consent on this 24 <br />of February, 2023. <br />MEMBER: <br />La Playa Beach Holdings, LLC., a Delaware limited liability company <br />By its Managing Member La Playa MM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company <br />By its Managing Member La Playa CF, LLC., a Florida limited liability Company <br />By: La Playa C Member, LLC., a Florida LLC, <br />member <br />DocuSigned by: <br />By: r— elan uG� bss <br />i � 6fF <br />�4[t t* skopf, Manager <br />La Playa F Member, LLC., a Florida <br />limited liability company, member <br />FZcuSigned by:4 <br />By: 4fk <br />tftR4?319MHuna, Manager <br />29 <br />