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Project by the Contractor. <br />ARTICLE 14. SITE INVESTIGATION AND REPRESENTATION <br />14.1 The Contractor acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the nature and location of <br />the Work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon availability of <br />transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, electric <br />power, and roads, the conformation and conditions at the ground and all other matters which can <br />in any way affect the Work or the Contract Amount. <br />14.2 The Contractor further acknowledges that it has satisfied itself as to the character, <br />quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from evaluating <br />information included in the Contract Documents. Any failure by the Contractor to acquaint itself <br />with all the provided information will not relieve Contractor from responsibility for properly <br />estimating the difficulty or cost thereof under the Contract Documents. <br />ARTICLE 15. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS <br />The Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the City and copies thereof <br />furnished to the Contractor, are for use solely with respect to this Agreement. They are not to be <br />used by the Contractor, Sub - Contractors, and /or material suppliers on other projects, without <br />the specific express written consent of the City. The Contractor, Sub - Contractors, and/or material <br />suppliers are granted only a limited license to use and reproduce applicable portions of the Drawings, <br />Specifications, and other documents prepared by the City or its designee, appropriate to and for use <br />in the execution of their Work under this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE 16. PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND WORKING DRAWINGS <br />16.1 The City shall have the right to modify the details of the Plans, Specifications, and Working <br />Drawings with additional plans, drawings or additional information as the Work proceeds, all of <br />which shall be considered as part of the Contract Documents. <br />16.2 Where the Contractor believes that the modification or supplement is outside the Scope <br />of the Work, the Contractor shall, within 72 hours, notify the City that the modification or <br />supplement is outside the scope of the Work. At that time the modification or supplement may be <br />rescinded or the Contractor may be required to submit a request for a Change Order proposal. <br />Where the Contractor is notified of the City's position that the modification or supplement is <br />within the scope and the Contractor disagrees, the Contractor shall notify the City that the <br />Contractor reserves the right to make a claim for the time and monies based on the modification <br />or supplement. At no time shall the Contractor refuse to comply with the modification or <br />supplement. <br />16.3 When, in the opinion of the City, it becomes necessary to explain the Work to be done more <br />fully, or to illustrate the Work further, or to show any changes which may be required, <br />supplementary drawings, with specifications pertaining thereto, will be prepared by the City or its <br />Designee. The supplementary drawings shall be binding upon Contractor with the same force as the <br />Contract Documents. Where such supplementary drawings require either less or more than the <br />original quantities of work, appropriate adjustments shall be made by Change Order. <br />M <br />