<br />1636
<br />the buildings thus constructed comply with the•intent and spirit of the
<br />toaster plan, aha this agreement shall not be construed as clot;diny the
<br />titie to any of said p'ro'perty on vhlch such development has occu)rred.'
<br />3. The O'WNFR5 hereby agree ,to•luovidc fora permanent and safe
<br />accetis for pedestrian and vehicular traffic within the development and,
<br />parti�ulorly,,fgr right of access for ,f ire; lolice, heaYth .an? sanitation
<br />and other public service personnel vehicles The striets or'accessweys
<br />shall be installed and maintained by the OWNI.R and shall include, but be
<br />not limited to, sidewalks, drainaue facilities, water, sewers and fire
<br />hydrants, and will meet with the approval ut the Dircctors of tae i'ublic
<br />Works and B,:ildiny and ::onin:; Dep.irt:nent :. (,WNJ R� tlerebp further ,trant
<br />to the CCUN-1 " a jedcstrtan c.tso •nt un thc I creel of l rolcrty mrc
<br />part tcu:arly descrlbud on Lxh:btt _ att.tche_l hereto and rt.ie a J-art
<br />hereof by reference. Tar., t r i•it, a cc ;s .in.l oaserx•r t shall lr_-
<br />established_::�rated .uni raLrit_ inc,: by the 'n'lF_E ::o 15 to all(—,w ublic
<br />�xdestrian aces: `ri• ^. :aliens T.vcr.tle to the %,tlantic rlrean.
<br />L!lls alrecnont -. tar ;.art r t the t'n FHF shall cnnstitutc
<br />a coven.tnt rc::ninr with tku• la:;.i .,ni will Fk rc—,rdl-d in the lubllc
<br />record,: of Jadc county, Viol',!.', .u:.i rn :1111 force and
<br />effect and be bindin.; u; -,n t!;e l:cr: .,.._ce:c ;o: s. and asst - ;n4 of the
<br />respective 1,artics hereto, ..•,:1 ,..,h !1sx. a:, thr saint• is released in
<br />writing by thv Oirc:tor „f tl;,• .4v! r,•i.,ittan ', i.1c :n.:niy F.ulldini and
<br />,'.ontng err t11c ,xe..-utIv, .,fret n! the F:uccessor of such
<br />Department (,I, in the ah:cr,cc ::.ICh i.ite -tor t exe utive officer, by
<br />his assistant In Jiarac of tae tic IN hI!; absonce; 11ovide.'., the
<br />prcvksion heretl .;!1,111 be c!!c,t1.'c ,.,r .t ;a•rio.! ,,t thirty i1.!t years
<br />which shall a.anr..rt1ca11•; br r•xtc:.lr•.! 1n t� .It ". year Interval:: •lnless
<br />same is relcascd !o1l.—In1 i I-- hr•.I1,111: !hvro,i,.
<br />tL, ir! t.rt rte .,.�.� ,y.r... -.tr1 t!t1'. .1 n,•elrY•:,',
<br />1-1- ,lay .,nl ,.••u r1t At ,i•'.•
<br />,I ;c 1vo
<br />. ,
<br />