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amount which is, in the judgment of the governing body of that political subdivision, at least adequate <br />to cover the risk to which that party may be exposed. Should the insurance coverage, however <br />provided, of any party be canceled or undergo material change, that party shall notify all parties to <br />this agreement of such change within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice or actual knowledge of <br />such change. <br />SECTION IX: EFFECTIVE DATE <br />This agreement shall take effect upon execution and approval by the hereinafter named <br />officials and shall continue in full force and effect until IqAq `I h 2028. Under no circumstances <br />may this agreement be renewed, amended or extended except in writing. <br />SECTION X: CANCELLATION <br />Either party may cancel its participation in this agreement upon delivery of written notice to <br />the other political subdivision. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto cause to these presents to be signed on the date <br />first written above. <br />9 <br />54 <br />