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2015-0521 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2015-0521 Regular City Commission Meeting
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6/22/2015 3:50:52 PM
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6/22/2015 3:50:40 PM
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting May 21,2015 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> go to the pharmacy is Walgreen's because it is the closest pharmacy and are open 24 hours. <br /> The egress and ingress of this building is going to be at the same entrance as Walgreen's. <br /> Commissioner Aelion said what bothers him the most is, we have embarked now on a <br /> comprehensive study for traffic and everybody seems to have an opinion but an independent <br /> study not a subjective study or objective in this case, will definitely guide us into the future <br /> evaluation of how we proceed,allowing and not allowing buildings to be erected,and it is still <br /> a work in process. It will take at least six (6) months until the comprehensive study is <br /> completed,and then we will be equipped with an objective analysis of what the real impact of <br /> present and projected use of our regular traffic is. Manhattan has multiple arteries of <br /> congested City but you have alternatives, bike paths, streets, avenues, etc., and Sunny Isles <br /> Beach has one and one only pathway to our City and that is Collins Avenue which is a FDOT <br /> State road and we have to trend very carefully here. <br /> Mr. Wasserman clarified that the building has a two-car lift, not a three-car lift, which is a <br /> drastic difference in load time. <br /> Commissioner Goldman commended the speaker Lyon Roth on his words of wisdom and <br /> insight on this subject. With that being said, she has some of the concerns of her colleagues <br /> about the traffic impact, and setting the tone for the redevelopment of the west side. The <br /> overall presentation here about this position that it is really a family friendly building and she <br /> is not sure if that is entirely the case but she is definitely concerned about what impact that this <br /> project will have in the future. <br /> Mayor Scholl described TDRs and what they really are. Let's picture a checker board, and <br /> putting a checker on every square. Picture taking the checkers from one side of the board and <br /> stacking them on the other side of the board. Then you take the next row and stack that row, <br /> and every time you pick up a checker,you don't get to put it back, it ends up on top of another <br /> checker. That is basically what TDRs do, it takes area from one area and puts on another area. <br /> We created a checker board when we made this City and we made a plan and said okay,up to <br /> 30%you can move the checkers from this area over there. At the last Commission meeting we <br /> bought a piece of land on the south end of the City for TDRs and we stuck it on top of the <br /> Armani building and so basically the development that might have ended in front of the Arlen <br /> House ended up on the top of the Armani building but nothing will ever be developed in front <br /> of the Armani building. Now, it is up to the discretion of the Commission where we want to <br /> allow that kind of intensity. <br /> Mayor Scholl said this project is very interesting for a lot of reasons, first of all he feels really <br /> badly for the developers because they did as good a job as anybody can do in terms of reaching <br /> out to the community and trying to satisfy everybody's requirements. Unfortunately they <br /> walked into a bit of a hornet's nest at a tipping point in the City, and the tipping point is west <br /> side development. This is one of the first residential projects that has been developed on the <br /> west side in this kind of late development. The developers, again a beautiful building, they <br /> worked their backsides off, they came in with the best of intentions, but they walked into a <br /> very difficult situation because this is the first project and this is a preview of coming <br /> attractions. That tipping point is of interest to him for a couple of reasons,he has never had an <br /> issue with east side density, with oceanfront density. Why, because not a lot of people live <br /> 14 <br />
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