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HPB Minutes 2007-0123
City Clerk
Historic Preservation Board
HPB Minutes 2007-0123
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4. DISCUSSION OF HISTORIC SITES. <br /> Historic Plaques Placed onto Atlantic Isles Entrance Bridge, and Lagoon Bridge in <br /> Atlantic Isles; Newport Fishing Pier and the Water Villa and Pergola, pending. <br /> Action: Cassey Gabor said the plaques were already placed onto3tlantic Isles Entrance <br /> Bridge, and Lagoon Bridge in Atlantic Isles and no one knew about it She said there should <br /> have been a ceremony and the Board members, media and the public should have been <br /> invited to attend. Chairperson Scholl said when we place historic plaques in the future we will <br /> make a note to try to have some kind of small ceremony and invite the media, as there is <br /> very little public awareness. <br /> Richard Schulman said the Newport Fishing Pier has negotiations underway so until we <br /> know the results of those discussions he feels that we should defer the Fishing Pier until the <br /> next meeting at which time we will probably have more information. Chairperson Scholl said <br /> his property is the Water Villa and Pergola and we are going to defer discussion on that as <br /> well because he has been working with staff based on the condition of what we can do there. <br /> Bonita Shoki moved and Cassey Gabor seconded a motion to defer discussion on the <br /> Newport Fishing Pier and the Water Villa and Pergola. The motion was approved by a <br /> 4-0-3 [Michelle D'Arbelles and Trina Duluc absent; Phillip Chernoff arrived late] vote. <br /> Chairperson Scholl said as a point of reference that the Atlantic Isles Entrance Bridge and <br /> Lagoon Bridge in Atlantic Isles is really the only historical bridges in the City, these are the <br /> only original bridges in Atlantic Isles, when he first moved here the entrance bridges were <br /> just like this bridge. There were two little narrow bridges that only one car could pass at a <br /> time, and in the early 1990's the County condemned those bridges because they were <br /> sinking and were not properly designed for vehicular traffic which is'one of the reasons that <br /> this bridge is now one lane. Chairperson Scholl said in regards to the two bridges in front of <br /> Atlantic Isles, he would call them historic reconstruction, so what the County did was to bring <br /> a proposal to the Island residents. He said it was not a formal process, they said that they <br /> have to rebuild the bridges, and because they were historic, we all felt that we wanted to see <br /> something nice there. The County rebuilt the bridges completely b'ut built little light towers <br /> that emulated the light towers in the old bridges. Richard Schulman noted that they were <br /> originally built in the 1920's. Chairperson Scholl said if this bridge ever gets structurally <br /> unsound we can just put a post in it and it will be a walk-over. He said we try to keep trucks <br /> off from it, now that was the real issue, when a truck came on the island they would either <br /> have to go down by his house, and they really could not make the cul=de-sac turn because it <br /> was too tight for them so they had to go on the lagoon. Heavy trucks would go over this <br /> bridge and that was damaging it and so ultimately they narrowed the bridge so it is much <br /> tougher for a truck to go over and hopefully that will help preserve it for several more years. <br /> Richard Schulman passed around pictures of the historic plaques ithat were placed onto <br /> Atlantic Isles Entrance Bridge, and Lagoon Bridge in Atlantic Isles.' He said that they have <br /> not made up plaques yet for the Newport Fishing Pier and the Water Villa and Pergola. <br /> Chairperson Scholl said he is not really in favor of having a plaque put up at his house <br /> because it is a private place. He has people coming on his property all the time trying to <br /> take pictures and it has been very frustrating and that is why he put his hedge up and put <br /> gates up. For years they would pull their car up and walk up to his house and try to take <br /> pictures and walk around the property. <br /> • <br /> Summary Minutes 2007-0123 HPB Mtg Page 2 of 7 <br />
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