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Trina Duluc asked if you have to show identification that you are a resident in order to use the <br /> Park water feature, and Mayor Edelcup said no, right now it is open to everyone as we are a <br /> tourist City, and there is no plan at this point to limit it. <br /> Chairperson Masters thanked City Historian Schulman for his fine presentation, and he thanked <br /> City Clerk Hines and Assistant City Attorney Amuchastegui for all the help they have given to <br /> the Committee over the years. <br /> 6. Report on the Horses and Carriage in Senator Gwen Margolis Park. <br /> Action: City Historian Richard Schulman reported that the Horses and Carriage are now lit up <br /> with two lights and they are very distinct. Since they have been lit up, he has not seen anyone <br /> climbing on them. Cassey Gabor noted that she went by them today and they are in very good <br /> shape and are painted. <br /> 7. Old Business. (None) <br /> 8. New Business. <br /> Action: <br /> • Camels in Front of the Sahara Motel: City Historian Schulman said on Collins <br /> Avenue and Commissioner Roslyn Brezin Street(183rd Street)you may have noticed the <br /> Sahara Motel, built in the early 1950's, their landmark in front of the Motel are five <br /> camels. One of the camels is now headless, it has been broken by vandals who were <br /> climbing on it and the head broke off even though they are made of concrete and hard <br /> plastic. We have discussed the possibility of taking a donation from the Motel which is <br /> actually a Condominium. he had contacted the Manager today and took pictures of the <br /> camels, and passed them around to the members. They have an artist that will try to fix <br /> it. The City is in negotiation with the officers of the Condominium Association to take <br /> the camels as a donation to the City. Otherwise we will try to get an assignment made <br /> through our Legal Department and we will try to repair the camels ourselves and <br /> maintain them. He will know something next week and he will get that information out <br /> to the members. In the future, we will place the camels somewhere in the City. <br /> Cassey Gabor said it has been broken for two months and looks bad for tourists to see. <br /> She feels we should make it a priority to fix it as it is part of the image of the City. <br /> • Declare Artifacts Historic: Cassey Gabor asked if there is a way legally to make the <br /> artifacts, like the camels, historic artifacts so that no one can touch them. Consultant <br /> Ellen Uguccioni said the Ordinance speaks of historic objects and can be designated as <br /> historic. Vice Chair Gabor said we also have the Thunderbird Sign. camels. etc.. and <br /> maybe next time we can declare them as historic artifacts. Former Commissioner Roslyn <br /> Brezin asked if they were declared historic, can they still be moved, and Ms. Uguccioni <br /> said she will review the Ordinance. <br /> Warren Stamm suggested to get the objects donated first.declare them historic,and then <br /> you can move them. City Historian Schulman said that is correct,once they are donated <br /> to the City, we can then place them wherever we want to. Mayor Edelcup said one thing <br /> you may want to consider is that the Horse and Carriage. the Pelican. Humpty Dumpty, <br /> Summary Minutes 2011-0713 HPB Mtn Page 3 of 4 <br />