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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting December 18,2003 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> foot setback rather than the 121/2 foot that was originally shown on the plan. She stated <br /> that the architects worked overnight and they made the changes and brought with them <br /> twelve sets of the revised plans and available this evening. She said that Fortune would <br /> be willing to commit on the record tonight, to amend the plans if the Commission is <br /> willing to approve it this evening. <br /> Mayor Edelcup summarized what he had heard, that it can be moved back 25 feet instead <br /> of 121/2 feet, reduce the height from 44-feet to 30-feet, and he asked if the design that was <br /> in the rendering would be similar only on a reduced scale, and Beatrice Hernandez of <br /> Kobi Karb Architects, agreed. Commissioner Thaler asked about the landscaping and Ms. <br /> Hernandez presented a colored site plan. Commissioner Brezin asked if that was a view <br /> from the side,and Ms. Hernandez showed her where Collins Avenue was on the plan,and <br /> that there would be a landscape buffer of which would be approximately 10-feet, if they <br /> move the building back,they would maintain a 10-foot buffer along Collins Avenue. Ms. <br /> Hernandez said that they are also proposing to put some low-level landscaping around the <br /> area to soften the drive area,and that the landscape buffer as well as the one along Collins <br /> Avenue, they are proposing a landscape hedge, which at planting would be five-feet, <br /> which creates a backdrop to the Sales Center. Commissioner Brezin asked what you <br /> would see from Collins Avenue, and Ms. Hernandez said date palms and ground covered <br /> landscaping, so you would really perceive the parking area, you would first perceive the <br /> landscape buffer with the date palms, and it will be up-lit at night. Commissioner Thaler <br /> asked if the rendering was already showing the 25-feet,and that there are six palm trees in <br /> front of the stilts, and Ms. Hernandez said yes, and that they had preliminary <br /> conversations with Bill O'Leary and that is what he was requesting along Collins Avenue. <br /> Mayor Edelcup asked if it allows emergency vehicle access and she answered yes it does. <br /> Planning and Zoning Administrator Jorge Vera reported that the recommendation that was <br /> before the Commission is on the prior plans that were given to them. He noted that with <br /> the changes that have occurred now, the applicant's request for a variance is still needed, <br /> because staff is still contending that there is a 75-foot setback. The intrusion into the <br /> setback is a lot less than previously by another 121/2 feet, now you have 25-foot setback <br /> from the front,you have a landscape buffer that totally buffers the automobiles,the height <br /> of the building has been reduced by 30-feet, the intrusion of the building from what it was <br /> before and what it is now, is a lot less, at least half. Mr. Vera said that the variance still <br /> has to be granted, although there is a change in it, it is still within the scope of the ad. <br /> Commissioner Brezin said that basically what we are looking at is the 25-foot setback and <br /> with the changes, we are looking at approximately the height of a three-story building with <br /> the stilts, and asked if this same structure could be done in the height of 20-feet and <br /> having it two stories, a lower structure. Ms. Burke said that she understood, <br /> architecturally, the most they could bring it down was the 30-feet and still maintain any <br /> integrity of this beautiful design, it wouldn't have the impact that it does now, and it <br /> would lose the ability of the light coming through underneath the building. Mayor <br /> • 4 <br />