<br /> • planning to construction observation and final inspection, can be realized without widening the roadway network.
<br /> ® and are accustomed to managing multiple concurrent Traffic calming measures also have a noticeable impact upon
<br /> projects for a single government client. The projects we the local community by minimizing the intrusive properties
<br /> 0 have successfully completed recently have included parks, of traffic. However, our experience has demonstrated that
<br /> streetscapes, community enhancements, traffic calming, these measures should be explored within a comprehensive
<br /> 0 beautification, roadway improvements, and municipal framework to ensure that the negative impacts associated
<br /> • facilities.Our landscape architecture team has also provided with the calming measures are not unintentionally
<br /> services to numerous municipalities with projects,including transferred to an adjacent neighborhood.
<br /> • City Halls, Public Works Facilities, municipal complexes,
<br /> • and fire stations. Services for these projects have included The K&S transportation planning team offers technical
<br /> ® preliminary studies, site planning, irrigation design, site expertise to provide a complete array of services to private
<br /> amenities design, planting plans, tree preservation plans, sector and governmental clients. The team's expertise
<br /> • development review approvals,and permitting.Additionally, includes concurrency growth management studies, traffic
<br /> • they have provided landscape architectural services for calming studies, PD&E and corridor studies, site-specific
<br /> over 30 parks and recreation projects. traffic impact and parking studies, interchange analysis and
<br /> • modification studies,traffic safety studies,land use plan and
<br /> 0 Successful completion of these projects has required a trafficway studies, and transportation planning and traffic
<br /> strong start, strict attention to detail, efficient finalization, forecasting for large-scale Development of Regional Impact
<br /> • and facility designs that can be properly maintained upon (DRI) studies.
<br /> completion. Their recent project experience also includes
<br /> 0
<br /> over 100 streetscape,traffic calming,and roadway landscape The transportation planning team also utilizes updated
<br /> • projects for both state and local municipalities.The services computer technologies to perform the modeling and
<br /> provided on those projects have included master planning, forecasting in-house as needed. These software packages
<br /> • design development, construction documents, permitting, include FSUTMS and TRANPLAN,CORSIM and VISSIM for
<br /> • bidding,public outreach,and inspections,while the designs network simulations, and Synchro, CORSIM, and HCS for
<br /> have included hardscape, irrigation, site amenities, planting, intersection and corridor system analysis.
<br /> 0
<br /> and street and pedestrian lighting.
<br /> ENGINEERING SERVICES As one of Florida's largest engineering consulting firms,
<br /> • K&S provides a wide variety of services to both private and
<br /> • The goals of traditional transportation engineering have public sector clients.
<br /> ® focused on capacity, speed, and safety. While these are -.a_ ' I' 1!Cr
<br /> „ .� •,,
<br /> still valid concerns today, there is another dimension that inmust be evaluated --- maintaining or restoring "livability” - �of a community. Florida can no longer build its way out :A '
<br /> 0 of congestion, but rather a more efficient utilization of its � y !
<br /> --" �I=
<br /> O existing infrastructure must be embraced in concert with the c
<br /> local community and its needs.Through access management i 4, � .p ��� ! a II , ____ „. s.
<br /> • techniques, improved signal timing, coordination of signal � � ; a 11 II It..7_,,....7.
<br /> • systems,and driver information systems,additional capacity
<br /> ® 4► ...-its:-.:--, e ` ..'7 • r €
<br /> Y
<br /> % '_'' Y Our Private Sector resume includes the preparation of
<br /> • ,�
<br /> „ ' DRI's;master planning;site plans;water,sewer,and drainage
<br /> • �f ` design; due diligence studies; permitting; and construction
<br /> ' �q ` s „ observation for projects ranging from 5-acres to over
<br /> ® ,a. p .* I . loft 5000-acres. Our Public Sector resume includes work
<br /> t ✓ with Counties, Municipalities, and Drainage Districts
<br /> 0 fin:
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