<br /> CffUtf OO g `ZUMNIF il0172 o EACI I
<br /> As a continuing services consultant with several clients,it is Synchro, CORSIM, and HCS for intersection and corridor
<br /> our experience that COMMUNICATION clearly defines system analysis. These tools allow us to provide Sunny
<br /> a successful project and relationship. It is through clear, Isles Beach with the best solutions using the most recent
<br /> concise,and frequent communication with our clients that resources available. 411)
<br /> we can best assess their needs to provide the desired result.
<br /> Throughout the execution of this contract,K&S will remain TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT
<br /> in constant contact with the City and key staff via informal STUDIES 40
<br /> and scheduled official meetings. Keith and Schnars' project
<br /> manager for this contract, Mr. Penfield, will meet regularly IliF
<br /> With the recent growth management emphasis on Mobility
<br /> with city staff to proactively coordinate assignments and Sustainability, traditional transportation engineering
<br /> and identify upcoming needs. This allows for an orderly concepts focusing on capacity, speed, and safety have
<br /> progression of the routine tasks,while providing the needed different connotations now than when K&S first started
<br /> flexibility to respond to the unusual and/or urgent requests providing services for the City. Clearly, a more
<br /> that are commonplace to all municipalities. efficient utilization of its existing infrastructure
<br /> The following is a summary of just a few transportation- must be embraced in combination with the local focused services which represent a fraction of the community and its needs. Through access management
<br /> affic
<br /> engineering capabilities that K&S has to offer. However, techniques, improved signal timing, coordination of signal
<br /> systems,and driver information systems,additional capacity
<br /> these services correspond to the immediate needs that
<br /> the City may encounter on a regular basis based on the may be realized without widening the roadway network.
<br /> services described in this RFQ. Traffic calming measures also have a noticeable impact on
<br /> the local community by minimizing traffic intrusion and
<br /> TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSES speeds on non-arterial roads. However, our experience
<br /> has demonstrated that these measures should be explored
<br /> within a comprehensive framework to ensure that the
<br /> From individual intersection analyses to fully coordinated negative impacts associated with the calming measures are
<br /> corridor analyses within a system of interchanges,the staff clearly identified and not unintentionally transferred to an
<br /> at K&S has a wealth of experience to offer Sunny Isles adjacent neighborhood.
<br /> Beach. This includes not only the most basic stop sign
<br /> evaluations and warrant analyses,consistent with MUTCD I x i, r r"%e e+'� z" kit ""f " 3; r
<br /> standards, but also detailed signal warrant analyses. While �� x�`. ,
<br /> often identified as a panacea to unsignalized intersections � G�" n f " " W'�' 0
<br /> dri f d �n ✓ •+� ✓,
<br /> congestion problemit is criticalfordecision-makers ° I �, 4.• ,°'4,r ' . aif '';
<br /> to know that while signalization cures some problems . '; ,' '
<br /> it results in significant degradation of safetyfor certain +'"', h '��. t»' +" ' '� t
<br /> types of crashes. Inevitably rear end crashes increase with >.. r t °i r v &R '
<br /> YP Y � ?'f
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<br /> signal control. Further,when an intersection satisfies onlyr o„ 'ru*�§x {I , - .NN : •' a. .
<br /> one signal warrant the justification for signalization is not _' 'Z2 t y r :7:77'4:fie r"��I. 5
<br /> automatic. Rather, per the MUTCD, the signal warrants _ , r 44' '
<br /> are guidelines for making such a decision,and generally,the s _ r`"
<br /> satisfaction of multiple warrants is necessary to justify signal , cell
<br /> , „ a 0
<br /> ,rn to
<br /> implementation,This also protects a local government from tar", 4fi '4,,4 , k` . :^' . s / P r
<br /> liability. a" a
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<br /> As 0
<br /> With today's technological advancements,expertise in the
<br /> vast array of traffic engineering software packages requires K&S provided such services a few years ago for Sunny
<br /> considerable staff depth and quality.The K&S Team offers Isles Beach when our Team conducted a detailed traffic
<br /> that technical prowess,depth,and expertise to Sunny Isles management plan at three site specific locations within
<br /> Beach.We regularly utilize updated computer technologies the City. The feasibility of replacing the unsignalized
<br /> to perform various modeling and forecasting tasks as needed. intersection of 178th Street and Atlantic Boulevard with
<br /> Our staff is not just knowledgeable with these software a roundabout as well as using flexible bollards on 183rd
<br /> packages,but they have a level of expertise that is required Street west of Collins Avenue and on 178th west of Collins
<br /> to properly interpret the results.The software packages Avenue were evaluated.These treatments were intended to
<br /> include CORSIM and VISSIM for network simulations, and improve overall traffic and pedestrian safety and operations,
<br /> IA ite.q, KEITH and SCHNARS,P.A.
<br /> FLOFIID/iSpjglocnl.FIRM PAGE 8 RFQI2-04-02
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