Laserfiche WebLink <br />As a part of the effort to densify Martin County’s NAVD88 vertical control network and help strengthen the county’s FEMA rating our <br />team coordinated with county staff to layout and plan bench runs throughout two large areas of the county. After staff approval a field <br />reconnaissance of each area took place to identify potential structures for placement of new benchmarks and also to locate existing mon- <br />uments suitable for inclusion in the densification effort. Monuments by other agencies such as South Florida Water Management District <br />and Florida Department of Transportation were located and incorporated where deemed sufficient by the client. <br />Our team then set additional monuments per the county developed program standards and additionally poured concrete collars for <br />added stability on benchmarks in the more rural areas where hard surfaces were not readily available. All level runs began and ended on <br />existing NGS published monuments and included other published monuments as intermediate checks. Level runs were performed using <br />necessary procedures to meet or exceed the Florida “Standards of Practice” for vertical control surveys as well as the program require- <br />ments. Field crews utilized digital levels and achieved second order, or higher, accuracy standards. There were 77 miles of digital level <br />runs which were post-processed and adjusted using Trimble Business Center software. <br />Horizontal coordinates were established on all benchmarks utilized for the project. This involved multiple occupations of each point <br />during different sessions on the Trimble VRS Now network. These sessions were all processed and reviewed in the office using the Trim- <br />ble Business Center software. Where the variance was found to be out of tolerance the sessions were calibrated and the checks were per- <br />formed again to reevaluate the precisions achieved. If still found to be out of tolerance, additional sessions were performed to eliminate <br />the poor precision data and ensure the final deliverable had quality data. <br />In total, 141 benchmarks were certified by our team and delivered in a compatible format to be published into the County’s in-house GIS. <br />The deliverables received minimal comments from the county’s review process thanks to our internal QA/QC program which involved <br />mapping/parsing the data in multiple software platforms as well as an internal peer review by professionals who hadn’t participated in the <br />project. The QA/QC program is designed to maintain the highest of professional standards and at the same time save clients’ time and <br />money on their projects. <br />Vertical Control Densification Projects <br />Martin County, Florida <br />Client <br />Martin County <br />2401 Southeast Monterey Road <br />Stuart, Florida 34996 <br /> <br />Michael O’Brien, PSM, CFM <br />p: (772) 288-5472 <br />e: <br />Contract Dates <br />3/2015 – 4/2015 <br />Fee <br />$25,700 <br />Tab 1 <br />Minimum Requirements <br />Page 17