Laserfiche WebLink <br />Whidden Surveying & Mapping, Inc. (WSM) was assigned this task as part of <br />the Indefinite Delivery Contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers. <br />The statement of work requested that all data be collected in strict compli- <br />ance with the latest FDEP, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems Monitoring <br />Standards for Beach Erosion Control Projects, Sections 01000 and 01100. <br />This survey required data to be collected to provide 150 beach profiles. Profile <br />lines were extended 150-feet landward and extended seaward from the most <br />landward offshore data point a distance of no less than 3,000 feet. Spot eleva- <br />tions were collected on 10-foot ranges with all breaks in grade greater than <br />1-foot vertically, and recorded for all monuments recovered in good condi- <br />tion. Soundings were performed at 12.5-foot ranges along the profile. RTK <br />was utilized for horizontal and vertical positioning of all hydrographic data acquisition. All data was collected during acceptable sea con- <br />ditions. Structures along each survey profile were located along with above ground utility indicators. The maximum allowable distance <br />between topographic and hydrographic data points was 25 feet. Motion sensing compensation (Heave, Pitch, Roll) was used for all data <br />acquired with a Teledyne (DMS 10). Bar checks were completed at the beginning and end of every field day. <br />Positions were referenced to NAD 1983. Elevations were referenced to NAVD 1988. For all Real Time Kinematic surveys, the base station <br />only occupied NGS monuments. FDEP monuments are not acceptable. <br />WSM provided weekly progress reports containing information on daily site work, manpower scheduling and all required final deliver- <br />ables in the required formats including ASCII files, metadata, field books, GPS network plans, quality control report, and survey reports <br />(digital and hard copy). <br />The deliverables consisted of xyz files with hydro data at 3 foot spacing and topo data at 10 foot spacing, DEP formatted range line file <br />format for each profile line, five photographs for each range line with proper naming nomenclature, Hypack edited project file, Trimble <br />project files, digital terrain model, meta data file and a Survey Report. <br />Miami-Dade County Topographic and Hydrographic Survey <br />Miami-Dade County, Florida <br />Tab 2 <br />Specific Experience <br />Client <br />Florida Department of Environmental <br />Protection (FDEP) <br /> <br />Robert Jones, PSM <br />p: (407) 253-5501 <br />Contract Dates <br />2016 <br />Fee <br />$52,000 <br />Page 23