<br />FllOHT OF WAY
<br />0lIIlIS
<br />p.... 3 01 6
<br />Lessor may require the amooot of any public liability insurance to be maintained by Lessee be increased so that the amooot thereof
<br />adequately plOtects l.essor's inter_I. Lessee further agrees that it shaH cUing the full term of this Lease and at its own upense keep
<br />the IeMed property and any inproYements thereon fully lnsur8d against loss or damage by fire and other casualty. Lessee aI&o
<br />agrees that it shaD during the full tann of this L88S8 and at its own expense keep the contents and pensonal property located on the
<br />leased property fully insured against loss or damage by fire or other casualty and doee hereby reIea8e and waive on behalf of itself
<br />and its insurer, by subrogation or otherwise, all claims against Lessor arisitg out of any fire or other casualty whether or not such fire
<br />or other casualty shall have resulted in whole or in part from the negligence of the Lessor.
<br />
<br />8, Emirlent Domain. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that its relationship with Lessor under this Lease is one of landlord and
<br />tenant and no other relationship either expressed or impHed shalt be deemed to apply to the ~ \I'Ider this l.8ase. Termination 01
<br />this Lease for any cause shall not be deemed a taking U'lder any eminent domain or other law so as to entitle Lessee to compensation
<br />for any interest suffered or lost as a result of termination of this Lease, including any residual interest in the Lease. or any other facts
<br />or ciroLll'T1Stances arising out of or in comection with this Lease.
<br />
<br />Lessee hereby waives and relilquishes any JegaI rights and monetary claims which it mi~t have for full compensation, or damages
<br />of any sort, incIuclng special damages, severance damages, removal costs, or Io8s of busiless profits, resuking from leeeee's loss of
<br />occupancy of the leased property, or Sly such rights, claims, or damages fIowlng from adjacent propertie8 owned or 1-* by Lessee
<br />as a result of Lessee's loss of occupancy of the Jeased PfQP8rty. Lessee also hereby waives and relilquishes any legal rights and
<br />monetary claims 'Atlich it might have for full compensation, or damages of any sort as set out above, as a result of Lessee's loss of
<br />occupancy of the Ieaaed property, when eny or all adjacent properties owned or Jeased by Lessee are taken by eminent domain
<br />proceedings or sold lIlder the threat thereof. This waiver and relinquishment applies Vttlether this Lease is still in existence on the
<br />date of taking or sale; or has been tanninated prior thereto,
<br />
<br />9. Miscellaneous.
<br />
<br />a. This Lease may be terminated by Lessor immediately, without prior notice, upop default by Lessee hereunder,
<br />and may be terminated by either party, without cause upon THIRTY ( 30 i days prior written notice to the other party,
<br />
<br />b, In addition to, or in lieu of, the tanns and conditions contained herein, the provisions of any Addendum of even date herewith
<br />which is identified to be a part hereof is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. In the event of any
<br />conflict between the terms and conditions hereof and the provisions of the Addendum(s), the provisions of the Addendum(s) shall
<br />control, unless the provisions thereof are prohibited by law,
<br />
<br />c. Lessee acknowledges that it has reviewed this Lease, is familiar with its terms. and has had adequate opportunity
<br />to review this Lease with legal counsel of Lessee's choosing. Lessee has entered into this Lease freely and voluntarily.
<br />This Lease contains the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. All prior understandings and
<br />agreements, oral or written, heretofore mad8 between the parties andIor between Lessee and the previous owner of the leased
<br />property and landlord of Lessee are merged in this Lease, which alone, fully and completely expresses the agreement between
<br />Lessee and Lessor with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification, \W1iver, or amenci'nent of this Lease or any of its
<br />conditions or provisions shall be binding upon Lessor or Lessee unless in writing and signed by both parties.
<br />
<br />d. Lessee shall not slblet the property or any part thereof, nor assign this Lease. without the prior consent in writing of the
<br />Lessor; this Lease is being executed by Lessor upon the credit and reputation of Lessee. Acceptance by Lessor of rental from a third
<br />party shall not be considered as an assignment or sublease. nor shall it be deemed as constituting consent of Lessor to such an
<br />assignment or sublease.
<br />
<br />e. Lessee shall be solely responsible for all bills for electricity, lighting. power, gas, 'Water, telephone, and telegraph
<br />services, or any other utility or service used on the property.
<br />
<br />f. This Lease shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Florida, and any applicable laws of the United States
<br />of America.
<br />
<br />g. All notices to Lessor shall be sent to the address for rent payments and all notices to Lessee shall be sent to:
<br />17070 Collins Avenue, Suite 250, Sunny Isles Beach, Aorida 33160
<br />