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<br />~1/Lb/2005 14:02 <br /> <br />3058188203 <br /> <br />THE MIAMI HERALD <br /> <br />PAGE 03 <br /> <br />ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> <br />Contract Terms. Advertiser must lonsume and pay for the minimum space indicated herein withi.n one year from the I a\ Run Date (the "Minimum <br />Amount"). ParNun lineage will be cr :dited tofutl-run contract achievement at a ratio of 25%. EI Nuevo Herald is credited on a 100% level for RCEll Estate, <br />and 25% level fur Employment). If i .dVE:rtiser fails to satisfy the Minimum COmmitmc:nt, Advertiser shall not be entitled Ie the rales or discounts set forth <br />herdn and will bc retroactively billee for all advertising during the Term at the applicable then cun-ent standard published rate card rate (the "Corrected- <br />Rate", previously rcfemd to as "SHO {TRATE"). Advertiser will pay Ml:TPC any slIch Corrected-Rare balance inuncdialely. Advertiser agrees to pay this <br />Com:cted-Rate in addition to all smo Ints paid or payable by Advertiser under this Agrccmtnl. Payment of any Gorrected-Rate does n.ot count toward the <br />Minimum Commitment. . <br />Earned ~ating/Agreement Review. Advenisers will be bi1\ed at the earned rate for advertisi"8 pureh~ed. Earned Rate means the lineage or inch level <br />reached by Advertiser at the eoncIusic , ofth~ then apiring term of thc Agreement. If an advcrtiser satisfies the lineage, revCIluc or frequency level required <br />of their contract and qualifies for a 10 ver e81ned rate, they will be billed the lower earned rate beginning tbe neltt billing period. No advertiser will receive <br />an automatic rebate on past advcrtisi 19 purchases solely by qualifying for a lower earned rate during the contract term. Bulk Lintage agreements are <br />automatically rcnewcq for successive 2 morlth periods at the Ean'led Level unless (i) Advertiser failed to meet the lineage/frequency requirements in any 12 <br />month period or, (ii) either party giVI ~ written notice of cancellation at least 30 days prior to tbe anniversary date ofthc Agreement MHPC reserves the <br />right to review the volume of advcrti: ing plllCecl on a quarterly basis and cancel this cont1'llCl: at its sole discretion, if advertising placed falls _% or more <br />below the quarterly average oflincagE or revenue needed to n.llfill the twelvc-month contract amount. Failure ofMHPC to review the volume ofadve:rtising <br />or cancel the contract fur any reason s' lall nOl: be deemed a waiver of the right to cancel in the (unIrc or to impose any applicable rate adjustments. <br />Ownersbip of Ads. MHPC retains .11 righr.s of ownership in and to all adwrtisemenrs designed or created by MHPC, . Advertiser gr3Ilts MHPC Ii non- <br />exclusive license to publish all carner: .-ready advertisements provided by Advertiser (or provided on Advertiser's behalf) to MHPC. MHPC is not obliged <br />to return ads or ad materials to Advl rtiser llnd MHPC is not responsible for any damage or loss to any ads, copy, drawings, an 01' any other ma.terials <br />provided by Advertiser. <br />Copyrigbts. Advertiser hereby gt31 ts a non-exclusive license to MHPC for .all COP~ltS and ownership rights in any advertisement of Advmiser <br />submitted for insenion in any publiCll ion of MHPC, including the right to publish, reproduce, display, adapt, transmit, or produce derivative works in any <br />medium, including any digital elec:tr Inie mc:dium. Adveniser authorizes MHPC to bring suit in MHPC's discretion and at MHPC's expellse for any <br />unauthorized use:, reproduction, displa " distribution.. or performance of advertisement llll it appears in the Newspapers or for its unauthorized alteration. <br />AcceptancelRC!jectioD of Advertisin:. MHPC reserves the right to revise, alter or reject any advertisement for any reason wharsoever, or to omit ads <br />without notice. MHPC may cancel a IY ad l1t its sole discretion, even if previously accepted for publication. Advertising eopy not timely submitted by <br />Advertiser will be c:~cluded. Special p lsition for advertising is not guaranteed but may be available fOT a premium and if a.greed to in writing. <br />Publication Errors and Omissions. ~HPC is not liable for any omission of all or any portion of any ad, nor is MHPC responsible for orders, canecnations <br />or corrections given by telephone, facl imile or telegraph. MHPC is also not liable for any error in a published ad unle$s an advertising proof is requested in <br />writing, Advertiser clearly marks any =rror in the advertising proof for corrcc1:ions, and MHPC is notified of the error in sufficient time before publication, <br />in which case Advertiscr's sole remed , is an appropriate eredit to tile extent of the error up ro the cost of the first insertion of the error (if there is more than <br />one incorrect insertion, credit shall bc lIlowed only fat the first incomct insertion). <br />MHPC's Rtgbts Regarding Mecba lical SpeciliClltions. The Newspaper resenres the right' to alter any advertising marxmal due to press/production <br />requirements. This reservation of rigt. : includes the Newspaper's tight to reduce the size of any advertisement ItS long as the advertisement maintains the <br />same proponion oflhc entire plige. Ai. I/'ertising will be billed based on the space reserved/ordered. <br />Unavoidable Nonperformance. ME PC is not liable for failure to pub1ish ads or distribute its publications because of flood, fire, rio18, strikes, terTOrist5, <br />lltonns, shortages of material, orders I f government, failure oftransportBtion, acts of God or orher l::auses beyond MHPC's control. In such an evenr. this <br />Agreement will be extendccl for a peri, d cqual to the time dUring which such performance was not possible, <br />Misreltsneous. Florida law shall gove m the mforeement and interpretation oftbis Agreemept, witbout regard to any conflict oflaw principles. The parties <br />agrcc to submit to the e:ttc1usive juriad etion of a COUrt of competent jurisdiction located in Miami-Dad~ County, Florida This Agreement may be executed <br />in one or more counterparts, ellCh of' vbich :shall constitute an origina.1 and all of which shall constitute one and the same document. A legible facsimile <br />copy of this Agrectru:nt When fully ex lCuted llball be considered an original copy or this Agreement. Advertiser rt:presena; and warrants to MHPC that (i) <br />no additional consents, approvals or t:orporate actions are necessary for Advertiser to enter into this Agreement; (ii) execution of this Agreemmt by <br />Advertiser will not cauSc a breach or lcfault in BOy other agr~ernellt to whieh Advertiser is a party; and, (Hi) Advertiser is not insolvent. In the event of a <br />filing by or against Advertiser of a ~ :tition under the BanIauptcy Code, in its sole discretion. MHPC may (i) discontinue Advertiser's advenising; (ii) <br />demand advance payment; or, (iii) erminntc all agreements with Advertiser:' This Agreement and any exhibits attacbed hereto c:ontain the entire <br />understandins between the panies anc supersede any prior written or oral understandings, as well agreem.ents, between them regarding the subject matter. <br />This Agrccment shall :t:l.ot be modified except in writing signed by the parties. This Agreement shall be binding Upon and inure ro the benefit of the parties <br />hereto and thcir respective pcrrnjlted I ilCcc:sscr and assigns. The Agreement may not be assigned (by operation of law Or otherwise) by Advertiser. In thc <br />even,t that any provision contained in :bis Al~eement or the application thereto to any circumstance is for allY reason held to be invalid or unenforceable, <br />such provision shall be ineffective ro Ile minimum extent of such invalidity or unenforcenbility and the remainder of this Agreement will remain valid and <br />enforceable according to its terms. <br />LIMITATION OF LIABll..ITY. TN TIlE BVEN7 OF ANY ALLEGED BREACH BY MHPC OF mE AGREEMENT OR. ANY ornER CLAIMS BY <br />ADVERTISER OR ANY OTHER. P,A RTY, MHPC SliALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABl.E FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. UNDER <br />NO CIRCUM.STAN,.CES.SHALL MJ. PC BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OT<TI1E.l.F.SSEILOF.AN~MDTri1)l':t...'N.tIlrW,m"RXr;;~ ilim <br />___1:'_... _ _t.'. . <br />