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<br />Hans Ottinat <br />RE: Engagement Agreement <br />September I R, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />includ ing the m in im ization of unnecessary storage expenses, we reserve the right to destroy or otherwise <br />dispose of any such documents or other materials retained by us. <br /> <br />You are engaging the firm to provide legal services in connection with a specific matter as <br />referenced within Section 1 of this Jetter. After completion of the matter, changes may occur that could <br />have an impact upon your future rights and liabilities. Unless you actually engage us after the matll:r is <br />concluded to provide such additional advice on issues arising from the matter, you understand the firm <br />has no continuing obligation to advise you with respect to related, future legal developments. <br /> <br />You also agrec that this engagement letter will serve as the basis for any continuing, expanded or <br />different representation by the firm of your interests and that we have made no guarantees as to the <br />disposition of any phase ol'thc matter or matters for which we have been retained. <br /> <br />3. Fees, EXRenses and Retainer. Our fees will be based on the billing rate li)r each attorney <br />and legal assistant devoting time to this matter. Our billing rates for attorneys currently range from <br />$250.00 to $350.00 per hour. Time devoted by legal assistants is charged at $105.00 per hour. These <br />billing rates are subject to change from time to time. As a courtesy to you, all attorneys working on this <br />motter will charge a rate (~f $250.()() per hour. The initial retainer will al.\'o he waived. Our <br />representation will commence upon our receipt of an executed copy of this letter. <br /> <br />As appropriate, we will include within our statements separate charges for perforrning services <br />such as photocopying, messenger and delivery services, computerized research, tnlVel, long-distance <br />telephone and telecopy, investigative and filing fees. Fees and expenses ofothers (such as consultants, <br />appraisers and experts) will not be paid by us, but will be billed directly to you. <br /> <br />Statements nonnally will be rendered monthly for work performed and expenses incurred the <br />previolls month. Payment is due promptly upon receipt 0 four statement. I fany statement rl:l1lains unpaid <br />for more than thil1y (30) days. we may cease performing services for you until arrangements satisfactory <br />to us have been made for payment of outstanding statements and for the payment of future fees and <br />expenses. <br /> <br />Our fees and costs relating to this matter arc not predictable. Accordingly, we have made no <br />commitment to you concerning the maximum fees and costs that will be necessary to resolve or complete <br />this matter. [t is also expressly understood that payment of our fees and costs is in no way contingent on <br />the ultimate outcome of the matter. <br /> <br />4. Conflict of\nter~st. Ifat some point in the future we become aware of an actual conflict <br />of interest, we will inform you of such conflict. At such time, we may be requested or obligated to <br />withdraw from further representation and you may be required to retain new counsel. <br />