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<br />(3) To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with <br />flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general <br />public; <br /> <br />(4) To minimize prolonged business interruptions; <br /> <br />(5) To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas <br />mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines and streets and bridges located in flood <br />plains; <br /> <br />(6) To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and <br />development of flood prone areas in such a manner as to minimize <br />flood blight areas; and <br /> <br />(7) To insure that potential home buyers are notified that property <br />is in a flood area. <br /> <br />ARTICLE II. <br /> <br />DEFINITIONS. <br /> <br />Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this Ordinance shall be <br />interpreted so as to give them meaning they have in common usage and to give this <br />Ordinance its most reasonable application. <br /> <br />Accessory Structure (Appurtenant Structure) shall mean a structure which is located <br />on the same parcel of property as the principal structure and the use of which is <br />incidental to the use ofthe principal structure. Accessory structures should constitute <br />a minimal initial investment and may not be used for human habitation and be <br />designed to have minimal flood damage potential. Examples of accessory structures <br />are detached garages, carports, storage sheds, pole barns and hay sheds. A guest <br />house shall not be considered an accessory structure under the provisions of this <br />Ordinance. <br /> <br />Addition (to an existing building) shall mean any walled and roofed expansion to <br />the perimeter of a building in which the addition is connected by a common load- <br />bearing wall other than a fire wall. Any walled and roofed addition which is <br />connected by a fire wall or is separated by independent perimeter load-bearing walls <br />is considered new construction. <br /> <br />Appeal shall mean a request for a review of the Planning and Zoning Board's <br />interpretation of any provision of this Ordinance or a request for a variance. <br /> <br />Flood Damage Prevention <br /> <br />-3- <br />