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Noncontributing building means a building which does not add to the district's <br />sense of time and place and historic development; or one where the location, <br />design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association have been so <br />altered or have so deteriorated that the overall integrity of the building has been <br />irretrievably lost. <br />Ordinary maintenance or repair means any work for which a building permit is <br />not required by law, where the purpose and effect of such work is to correct any <br />physical deterioration or damage of an improvement, or any part thereof by <br />restoring it, as nearly as practical, to its appearance prior to the occurrence of such <br />deterioration or damage. <br />Reconstruction means the process of reproducing by new construction the exact <br />form and detail of a demolished building, structure or object as it appeared at a <br />certain point in time. <br />Rehabilitation means the process of repairing or altering an historic building so <br />that an efficient contemporary use is achieved, while preserving those significant, <br />historical, architectural or cultural features which establish the character of the <br />property. <br />Relocation means the act of preserving an historic structure which cannot remain <br />on its existing site by physically moving it to a new location. <br />Restoration means the act of accurately recovering the form and details of a <br />property as it appears at a particular period of time, which may involve the <br />removal of later additions or alterations, or the replacement of missing features. <br />Review guide means the component of the designation report prepared by the <br />historic landmark office which lists some of the more prominent features which <br />contribute to the overall character of a structure and/or district. The review guide <br />may be used to address the impact of new construction, additions, modifications, <br />alterations and/or renovations which may become the subject of some future <br />certificate of appropriateness or to address the existing physical characteristics, <br />and may be used to determine whether or not elements which create the character <br />of the structure and/or district are present, or whether subsequent changes to the <br />property have rendered it ineligible for listing. <br />Secretary of the Interior's Standard for Rehabilitation (Revised March 1990) <br />means measures which provide guidance on the sensitive rehabilitation of an <br />historic property. The ten (10) standards generally address design issues which <br />include: character defining elements; changes which have occurred over the <br />course of the property's history; desirable approaches to the repair of damaged <br />features; appropriate cleaning methods; archaeological resources; and new <br />construction in connection with an historic property. <br />Historic Preservation Amendment Ordinance 4 <br />Legislation/Ordinances <br />HO/jb <br />