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Ordinance 2006-267
City Clerk
Ordinance 2006-267
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7/20/2010 10:36:21 AM
Creation date
4/9/2007 10:50:25 AM
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Amd Chapter 14 - Code Enforcement
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<br />(D) Take testimony under oath and review evidence to makc tindings of fact and draw <br />conclusions of law. <br /> <br />(E) Assess and order the payment of civil pcnaltics as provided hcrein. <br /> <br />(F) Issue orders having the force of law to command whatever stcps are necessary to bring a <br />violation into compliance. <br /> <br />(G) Assess administrative hearin~ costs of no less than $75.0D <br /> <br />Section 6. <br /> <br />Authority to Initiate Entorcement Proceedin~s. <br /> <br />Code Enforcement Officers shall have thc authority to initiate code entorcement proceedings and <br />to issue Notices of civil violations as proyidcd below. Special Masters shall not have such <br />authority. A Code Enforcement Officer shall not by such designation have powers of arrest or <br />subject the officer to the rcquircments of Sections 943.D85-943.255. F.S. (1995). <br /> <br />Section 7. <br /> <br />Enforccmcnt Proccdures. <br /> <br />(A) A Code Entorcement Officcr is authorized to issuc a Warning Notice of Violation, in a <br />form approved by the Department Dircctor. prior to the issuance of a Civil Violation Notice to a <br />person based upon personal investigation. the officcr has reason to believe that the Violator has <br />committed a civil infraction in violation of a duly enacted Ordinance. Thc Warning Notice of <br />violation shall specify a rcasonable time pcriod (warning period). not to excced thirty (3D) <br />calendar days. within which the Violator must correct thc violation. This determination shall be <br />based on consideration of fairness: practicality; case of correction. ability to correct; severity of <br />violation; nature, extcnt, and probability of danger or damage to the public; degree of nuisance to <br />neighbors and ncighborhood; and other relevant f~1ctors rclating to the reasonablencss of the time <br />period prescribed. <br /> <br />(B) If upon re-inspection of the violation. which promptcd the issuance of the Warning <br />Notice of Violation. said violation has not becn corrected; the Violator shall be subject to thc <br />issuance of a Civil Violation Notice and liable for the associated civil penalties. <br /> <br />(C) If a Code Enlorcement Officcr has rcason to believe that thc violation represents a serious <br />threat to the public health. safety or welfare. if the violation is a recurring violation as delincd <br />herein. or if the violation is an Uncorrectable Violation as de lined hercin. the warning period <br />shall not be applicable and thc Civil Violation Notice may issuc immediately. <br /> <br />Section 8. <br /> <br />Contents and Service of the Civil Violation Notice. <br /> <br />(A) A Civil Violation Notice (sometimes referred to as a "citation") shall contain: <br /> <br />(I) The date and time of issuance. <br /> <br />(2) The name and addrcss of the person to whom the citation is issued. <br /> <br />()rdin,HKr .\n1L'llding(:"elc f:,nl-'l1Tll1k'lll. (:h,ll'tn l~ 4 <br />
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