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<br />~ <br /> <br />OR ~K 24977 PG 1721 <br />LAST PAGE <br /> <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Legal Description <br /> <br />Beginning at an Iron Pipe set in the Center Line of Collins A venue on the North Line of <br />Gulf Stream Park, a subdivision recorded in Pial Book 35 at Page 5 I of the Public <br />Records of Miami - Dade County, Florida. <br /> <br />thence, due West along the North line of said Gulf Stream Park subdivision for a distance <br />of 840 feet to a point and the point of beginning of the tract of land herein described; <br />thence, North 8 degrees 3D' East for a distance of 455 feet to a point; <br />thence, Nortl1 81 degrees 30' W~st, for a distance of 10 feet to the beginning of a curve; <br />thence, Northerly and Westerly along a curve having a radius of 290 feet through a <br />central angle of 88 degrees for an arc distance of 445.51 feet to the end of said curve, the <br />tangent of said curve being at right angles 10 the last aforesaid course; <br />thence, North 10 degrees 3D' East, at right angles to the tangent of the last aforesaid curve <br />anti along the Radial line of said curve for a distance of 10 feet to a point of reverse <br />curve; <br />thence, Westerly and Northerly along a curve having a radius of 650 feet through a <br />central angle of 56 degrees 15' for an arc distance of 63 8.14 feet to the end of said curve; <br />thence, due South for a distance of], 171.85 fe!:t to a point on the prolongation Westerly <br />of the North line of the aforesaid Gulf Stream Park; <br />thence, due East along the prolongation Westerly of tile North line of the aforesaid Gulf <br />Stream Park for a distance of 653 .54 feet, mOre or less, and lying and being in <br />lJumfollndling Bay, Dade County, floridu. <br />