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2016-0915 Regular City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2016-0915 Regular City Commission Meeting
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11/17/2016 9:41:32 AM
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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting September 15,2016 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> 7. ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING <br /> 7A. An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, Amending <br /> Chapter 238 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sunny Isles Beach to Add a New <br /> Section 238-16 Regulating Work Within the City of Sunny Isles Beach Rights-of-Way; <br /> Providing for Standards for Construction and Repairs of Streets Within the Boundaries <br /> of the City; Providing for Suspension of Permit; Providing for Exceptions; Providing for <br /> Severability; Providing for Inclusion in the Code; Providing for Repealer; Providing for an <br /> Effective Date. <br /> Action: City Clerk Hines read the title, and City Manager Russo said the purpose of this <br /> Ordinance is to improve any necessary repairs to the pavement, the surface of roadways in <br /> the City which we may have repaved within five (5) years. Fundamentally, what happens <br /> with streets is, you have the utility companies that from time to time have emergencies <br /> whether it is the water company, the County Sewer Department, the gas company, or even <br /> FPL with wires that they have underground,and they have to do emergency excavations in a <br /> road. This can happen to a road that is 10 years old, 20 years old, but when it happens to a <br /> road that we have just recently resurfaced that might be less than five (5) years old, this is <br /> going to put a somewhat more onerous repair procedure in place for the utility company. As <br /> an example, typically if a utility has to do an emergency repair you will see a trench in the <br /> middle of the asphalt pavement cut out for the length of their work and then you will see a <br /> repair, and it always looks different than the rest of the road. What this will do is, for those <br /> streets that are less than five (5)years old, they will have to go curb to curb with that repair, <br /> and for a certain length of whatever the work that they were doing. The idea is to keep the <br /> road looking newer, fresher and smoother for a longer period of time. The motivation for <br /> this is we are in the process of totally rehabilitating the single largest road that the City owns <br /> in this City and that is 174th Street. With the anticipated completion of that project,we want <br /> to make sure that utility companies are not going to come in the next day and start cutting <br /> open that road and leaving patches in it after we just finished the multi-million dollar project. <br /> Public Speakers: None <br /> Commissioner Aelion said the issue is sidewalks that basically become part of an entrance to a <br /> single family home where part of the entrance is for vehicular purpose, and there are areas <br /> where the property line ends inside a moat or garage area wherein it becomes a common area. <br /> How would we treat that issue if it ever arose about standardizing that particular area: a) it <br /> could become a common area between private and public; and b) if it is asphalted enough? <br /> City Manager Russo said the only areas that would come into play on a repair of a public <br /> street, because he is talking within the curb to curb on this paving, would be where the <br /> entrance to that private entity, the common element as you say, would not be effected. We <br /> would seek which we did on 174th Street, the permission of the property owners and in this <br /> case the Associations, to be able to properly grade the asphalt and blend it in with their <br /> entranceway. We have to re-pitch a lot of the entranceway driveways where we had to go <br /> back a few feet and so we would take that into consideration if it were something right on the <br /> entrance. Commissioner Aelion said in other words whether it is a public undertaking or by <br /> the private property owner this would apply. City Manager Russo said we would require them <br /> to repair properly even if that means, and it could very likely happen,that it requires taking it <br /> back a few feet to have it pitched properly. <br /> 5 <br />
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