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2010-0902 Special City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2010-0902 Special City Commission Meeting
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11/4/2010 2:04:03 PM
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11/4/2010 2:03:41 PM
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<br />Summary Minutes: Special City Commission Meeting September 2, 20 I 0 <br /> <br />Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />when they are part of the integral fabric of a District. She went over the site and building and <br />noted that the sanctuary is shaped like a cross, and the grace window is so much more <br />apparent since the arc was moved for the remodeling. She also went through the City's <br />Historic Preservation Board's efforts throughout the years. She noted that the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan has all the required elements, but there is no optional element <br />addressing historic preservation. She urged the Commission to overturn the recommendation <br />by the Historic Preservation Board to designate Temple B'Nai Zion as historic. <br /> <br />Mr. Crockett said that Ms. Dumas mentioned that there was a partnering relationship <br />between the Temple and other congregations, and asked her to elaborate, and Ms. Dumas <br />said it was her understanding that the Temple is allowing another congregation to lease a <br />portion of it. Mr. Crockett asked her if she knew whether or not there is a lease that the <br />second congregation has, and Ms. Dumas said she has no idea but she knows they were not <br />using the main sanctuary because of the impediment of the direction it faces, they were <br />temporarily using the other building until these renovations were completed, they had moved <br />the arc and all the seating into that building on a temporary basis. Mr. Crockett said that <br />those changes to change the orientation to correct it are being made, is that correct? Ms. <br />Dumas said they are underway but the seating capacity is diminished and that is a concern <br />because the Orthodox community is growing and they need greater capacity in order to <br />service their community. Mr. Crockett said that the changes that were applied for are being <br />made notwithstanding historic designation, and Ms. Dumas said yes as far as she knows. <br /> <br />Rabbi Aaron Lankry, President of Temple B'Nai Zion, gave some background information <br />on how he came to this Temple and its history with the City. He said the Temple has no <br />interest in being declared historic. <br /> <br />Mr. Poliakoff introduced Dan Wallach of his firm to present some legal standards. Mr. <br />Wallach said he wanted to raise a legal issue that was raised in the Temple's appeal filed <br />with the City Clerk on July 6,2010. On August 25 the City Attorney responded to the appeal <br />and distributed a memorandum to each of the City Commissioners, and he wanted to address <br />one point that was raised in that memorandum, the issue of selective enforcement cannot be <br />overstated. It does not require that the Temple prove that there was purposeful <br />discrimination, it just requires, and there is a federal law called RLUIP A which is the <br />Religious, Land Use, and Institutionalized Person Act of 1990, and it states that no <br />government shall impose or implement a land use regulation in the manner that treats a <br />religious assembly or institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious institution or <br />assembly. A Federal Appeals Court in this area, the 11 th Circuit US Court of Appeals, in the <br />case of Midrash Sephardi v. Town of Surfs ide, stated that this statutory command requires <br />equal treatment of secular and religious institutions. What we have here is the first original <br />designation of a site or building in the City's history, yet by contrast the City has refrained <br />from designating other properties with far greater historical significance such as St. Mary <br />Magdalen Church, and also Ocean Palm and the Golden Strand, given the architecture, the <br />date of construction, and its history in the community, and yet those are not being designated. <br />It is a treatment on less than equal terms than what the Temple is being treated with, and each <br />of those institutions, the Golden Strand in particular, objected to the designation and they <br />were removed from the list of possibilities of being designated as an historic site. By <br /> <br />5 <br />
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