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<br /> <br />HOWARD R. MillER <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br /> <br />..he Zipkin 80 <br /> <br />...Be Zipkin has attained public relations and marketing expertise in her more than twenty years experience as <br />a sua:essful supervisor and manager of oommunications programs in the oorporate, real estate, hospitality, <br />entertainment, non-profit and philanthropy, and performing and a.Jltural arts industries. <br /> <br />Zipkin's diverse oommunications background spans two years as vice president with the U.S/SJuth Rorida <br />office of a london-based, global oommunications organization, Otigate [)ev..te ~gerson; and six years as vice <br />president of a regional public relations/marketing firm, GJrdon 80an Daz-BaIart. Zipkin has extensive <br />experience in providing dients with strategic marketing, oommunications and branding campaigns; <br />oomprehensive public relations and media relations programs; Web site design, editing, and oontent <br />guidance; and editorial and oopywriting services. Zipkin has provided services to SnartEMRfnc., Bass <br />Museum of Art, New World 8:11001 of the Arts, Hearing and ~eed1 Center of Rorida, [X}.lt Corp., and Arts <br />Magna. <br /> <br />As vice president of Otigate [)ev..te ~gerson, an international oommunications firm and division of the <br />Incepta G-oup, pic, based in london, Zipkin was responsible for creating and implementing national and <br />regional marketing campagns, and managing and supervising public relations programs. S1e managed <br />oommunications programs for a wide range of oompanies induding Adelphia Cablevision, B"asserie Hailes <br />~aurant, Codina G-oup, Coral Rctures, Rorida Alliance for Oean Ted1nologies, FR....6terglades Mitigation <br />Bank, GableSage Theatre, Maria BenitezTeatro Ramenoo Dance Company, Miami Herald O1line S3rvices, <br />Nanovation Ted1nologies, New York R'ime Seakhouse, Residences At The ~tz Carlton, Sella S31on, The <br />Capital G-ille, The Homeless Trust, The ~llerblade America Tour, The SJutheast Art Collection, and <br />\!VOX! NEC6. <br /> <br />R'ior to Otigate [)ev..te ~gerson, Zipkin was the director of marketing and public relations for the Oty of <br />Coral ~ringsOty Centre Theatre, a multi-purpose fadlity housing a 1500-seat professional theater, <br />gymnasium, exhibit hall, meeting rooms and dance studio. In this position she administered a department <br />budget in excess of $100,000, published oorporate oollateral materials, created and implemented marketing, <br />public relations and advertising campagnsand supervised a staff of five people. Additionally, Zipkin <br />produced and implemented direct mail campaigns, fund-raising projects and ooordinating private and public <br />spedal events. <br /> <br />As Drector of Communications for the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA) , Zipkin <br />created and implemented national media campaigns, published a bi-monthly newsletter and annual report, <br />and was responsible for all oorporate oommunications. NFAA is a publidy supported national philanthropic <br />institution, whidl identifies, enoouragesand finandally rewards American high 9:hool artists of exceptional <br />talent in the arts and literature. <br /> <br />Zipkin has provided marketing and public relations services to a variety of businesses in SJuth Rorida, sudl as <br />Dade County R.lblic8:l1001s' D"opout R'evention R'ogram, Metro-Dade Transit Agency, ~use Company I <br /> <br />Page 9 of 44 Bd No 11-02-02 <br />