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<br />o <br /> <br />Part B - Hourty Prices <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />EaulDment and Labor Rates <br />Equipment Type Typical Hourly Hourly Total <br /> Clearing Equipment Labor Hourly <br /> Crew Rate Rate Rate <br /> MakeuD <br />Bobcat loader X ~30 00 19;40.00 '$70.00 <br />Bucket Truck <tQt:; nn 1<tL1.n 00 !~135 00 <br />ChiDoer/Mulcher (8" throat) $100 00 $40.00 $140.00 <br />ChipperlMulcher (12" throat) <l:1?n nn 1<l:4n 00 i160 00 <br />Crew Foreman w/Cell Phone and Pickuo v d"')t:: (\(\ 1<1:40 00 ui65.00 <br />Dump Truck, 18 CY.20 CY ~~n nn 1<1:40 00 $70 00 <br />Dump Truck, 21 CY.30 CY <l:4n nn k4n 00 $80 00 <br />Grader w/1'l Blade $100 00 1$40.00 $140.00 <br />HYdraulic Excavator, 1.5 CY ~1nn nn 19;40 00 1$140.00 <br />Hvdraulic Excavator, 2.5 CY ~110 00 19;40 00 $150.00 <br />Knuckleboom loader <1100 00 ,$40.00 <l:14n 00 <br />laborer w/Chaln Saw 2X <15_ 00 30.00 $35.00 <br />laborer w/small tools, traffic control, f1aa person g 5;;; 0 0 :j 30.00 $35.00 <br />lowboY Trailer wlTractor <I:?t:; nn <l:4n nn 9;fiS 00 <br />Mobile Crane (AdeQuate for hanalna Iimbslleanina trees) $120 00 $40.00 $160.00 <br />Operations Manager w/Cell Phone and Pickup $25.00 $40.00 $-65.00 <br />Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton <t?t:; nn <l:n nn 0s 00 <br />TraffIC Control, Temporarv Sinale lane Closure t:; nn ?t:; nn ~10 00 <br />Tree Climber s/Chainsaw 1n nn ;qc; no $105 00 <br />Wheel loader 2.5 CY 950 or similar 100 00 40.00 ~140 00 <br />Wheel Loader 3.5 - 4.0 CY, 966 or similar <l:1?n nn <l:4n no ~1hfll00r <br />Wheel Loader, 4.5 CY, 980 or simBar $140.00 $40.00 $180.00 <br />Wheel Loader.Backhoe, 1.0 -1.5 CY <l:An nn 9;40 00 9;120.00 <br />Other - Please Ust <br />Fr.....nt- l<'nn T. -, V d"":l(\ nn <tL1.n nn <t7n nn <br />Laborer X $30.00 $30.00 <br /> <br />Notel: <br /> <br />No1I1. Total nrne and Mlllrlal Prlcel lhalllnclude all labor (operators, 1abo1811, and aupervilOll), equipment and mIIIrlaIl lncIucllng but not limited <br />to: luppllet, equipment maintenance, 11p111I, I8pIlr peril, fueIa, lubrlcanta, cellular phonel, tranaportatlon, traI!Ic controtand hoUllng, Ill8C(ulr8d, <br />neceaury to accompnlh the project <br /> <br />Noll 2. ldenllfy the EqUlpmentlPeraoMI' that COIlItItut8 a Typical Clearing CI8W In the column provided <br /> <br />The Contractor will provide 10 (number) of crews dedicated to perform the Wort within the first 24 <br />hours following Notice to Proceed. <br /> <br />The Contractor will provide J) (number) of crews dedicated to perform the Work within the first 48 <br />hours following Notice to Proceed. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />45 <br />