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(09-03-01) Prof. Construction Svcs. for Heritage Park & Pkg. Garage
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Prof. Construction Svcs. for Heritage Park & Pkg. Garage
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<br />- <br /> <br />STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br /> <br />1. Provide history of the firm, including ownership <br />and key management. <br /> <br />BRASFIELD & GORRIE FIRM HISTORY <br />Brasfield & Gorrie is one of the largcst privatcly- <br />held contracting firms in the nation. Our company, <br />headquartercd in Birmingham, Alabama, is the successor <br />to the Thomas C. Brasfield Company, a general contractor <br />operating as a sole proprietor from 1921. Miller Gorrie <br />purchased the company's construction assets in 1964. <br />Hc changed the name to Brasfield & Gorrie in 1967 <br />and moved the headquarters to its present location in <br />Birmingham. <br /> <br />In the early years, the new company continued within <br />the Brasfield niche of small commercial and remodeling <br />projccts. As activity incrcascd, the emphasis was shifted <br />to larger commcrcial, institutional and industrial <br />projects, capitalizing on the motivation and <br />experience of the ncw ownership. <br /> <br />Brasfield & Gorric's growth was accelcrated in 1984 <br />by the opening of full-service offices in Atlanta and <br />Orlando. The company organization was dccentralized <br />and six operating divisions were established, each <br />serving as a profit center. Full-scrvice offices wcrc <br />established in Ralcigh and Nashville in 1998. In <br />2007, Brasfield & Gorric opened thc Jacksonville, <br />Florida officc. <br /> <br />Our company has grown tremendously since <br />1964. Brasficld & Gorrie's volumc has grown <br />from $250,000 to $2.1 billion. Our growth has <br />cnabled us to work with many diffcrcnt clients and <br />markets. Brasfield & Gorrie has ranked in ENR's <br />top 40 general contractors in the world over the <br />last six years. We have built over 330 parking <br />garages with 275,000 parking spaces over the past <br />40 years. We havc a strong client base throughout <br />the southeastern United Statcs and are currently <br />building projects in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, <br />Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North <br />Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, <br />Texas and Virginia. <br /> <br />FIRM OWNERSHIP <br />Brasfield & Gorrie is a limited liability corporation <br /> <br />incorporated in Delawarc in 1996. Brasfield & <br />Gorrie, L.L.c. was formed through a consolidation <br />of the assets of Brasfield & Gorrie, Inc. and <br />Brasficld & Gorrie General Contractor, Inc., both <br />subchapt~r S corporations. The company has two <br />classes of stock, voting and non-voting. The voting <br />stock is owned entirely by the original stockholders <br />of Brasfield & Gorric, Inc. and Brasfield & Gorrie <br />General Contractor, Inc. and represents YYo of the <br />ownership of thc ncw company. The non-voting <br />stock is owned by new stockholders selected from <br />the managers within thc company and represents <br />97% of thc company's ownership. Thcre arc no <br />anticipated changes in the ownership or corporate <br />structure at this time. All owners of Brasfield & <br />Gorrie are actively involved in the company's day- <br />to-day operations. <br /> <br />Key Management <br />M. Miller Gorrie <br />M. .lames Gorrie <br />Jeffrey I. Stone <br />Robertson W. Taylor <br />Timothy.J. Dwyer <br />Randall.J. Freeman <br />Thomas B. Garrett <br />Charles L. Grizzle <br /> <br />Chairman of the Board & CEO <br />President <br />President Central Region <br />President East Region <br />President South Region <br />Chief Financial Officer <br />Chief Information Officer <br />General Counsel <br /> <br />VILA & SON FIRM HISTORY <br />In 1984, father and son team Juan Carlos and <br />Baudilio Vila founded Vila & Son Landscaping <br />Corp., sharing a clear vision for the future of the <br />company, they set out to deliver high-quality; timcly <br />and accountable work to all their clients. We have <br />cultivated a longstanding reputation for maximizing <br />the beauty and value of residcntial, commercial and <br />institutional propcrties. Our lasting succcss can bc <br />attributed to understanding cxactly what's requircd <br />to create and maintain breathtaking landscapes <br />that instantly bond with employees, customers and <br />surrounding communities alike. <br /> <br />Twenty-five years later, Vila and Son is among <br />the largest landscape companies in the country, <br />cmploying more than 700 cmployces dedicated to <br />fulfill the Vila mission. <br /> <br />HERITAGE PARK AND PARKING GARAGE <br />CITY RFQ NO. 09-03-01 <br />APRIL 8, 2009 <br /> <br />B~J~EaON I <br /> <br />l?i ........ .......,.... THE NATURAL CHOICE <br />
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