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<br />Summary Minutes: Regular City Commission Meeting November 18, 2008 <br /> <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br /> <br />customers. Richard Steinig, owner of Sunny Isles Liquor and Fine Wines, said Epicure isjust <br />now applying for conditional use and yet they are already selling package liquor, when he <br />applied it took five (5) months. City Attorney Ottinot said that Epicure had existing approval <br />from Miami-Dade County issued over 25 years ago for restaurant use, package store use, and <br />nightclub, and the Applicant had an understanding the approval did not expire. Staffindicated <br />to them under our new Zoning Code, their approval expired because if it is not used, it <br />automatically expires, the Applicant then worked with staffto be in compliance. City Attorney <br />Ottinot noted for the record that he also worked with Mr. Steinig to create an exception in the <br />Code to operate in the shopping center. <br /> <br />Mr. Solera said under Section 98 of the Liquor License for the City of Sunny Isles Beach, <br />there is an exemption that allows a grocery store to sell beer and wine, but the request is to <br />extend that exemption and allow them to also sell spirits as part of the exemption of the <br />distance requirement of 750 feet. City Attorney Ottinot said when staff recommended the <br />liquor distance requirement, the purpose was to protect public welfare to eliminate any <br />negative impact any liquor establishments would have. Vice Mayor Thaler said it was also <br />created to protect the schools of which was one of the major reasons for the distance. <br /> <br />Commissioner Scholl said we need to be careful moving our ordinances to accommodate a <br />user as we have special requirements for package stores. City Attorney Ottinot said the <br />purpose of adopting this Code was to make sure that we would not have a stand-alone <br />package store or near a school. It was to create a buffer, as when there are too many stores it <br />creates a negative impact on the community. We didn't look at Epicure as a traditional <br />package store, it is a high grade restaurant and grocery market. The No. lO requirement was <br />basically to assist Mr. Steinig' s package store, the precedent, we created exception to allow a <br />business to exist if we find that business is not a detriment to the surrounding environment. <br /> <br />City Attorney Ottinot said there are two issues: 1) a State Liquor License which we don't <br />regulate; and, 2) a Land Use issue which is what is before us tonight, the use is prohibited at <br />that location and that is the only issue we are dealing with. The Rascal House had zoning <br />approval from the County that allowed them to operate a restaurant, a nightclub, and a <br />package store, the Applicant had an understanding they could operate the existing <br />establishment under those approvals. With respect to restaurant use, he did not have to come <br />before the Commission because that use never ceased, but the liquor order of package store <br />use was not continued and so they are now before the Commission to revive that liquor use. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Thaler moved and Commissioner Brezin seconded a motion for approval, <br />subject to staff conditions. Resolution No. 08-Z-115 was adopted by a roll call vote of3- <br />2 (Commissioner Goodman and Commissioner Scholl against) in favor. <br />V ote: Commissioner Brezin yes <br />Commissioner Goodman no <br />Commissioner Scholl no <br />Vice Mayor Thaler yes <br />Mayor Edelcup yes <br /> <br />[City Clerk's Note: The Commission took a 5-minute recess.] <br /> <br />4 <br />