<br />successful or that Emergency Response Providers will be dispatched should an Alarm Event occur. In the event a supervisory signal or trouble signal
<br />registers at our Central Station, we shall endeavor to notify the Premises or the first available person designated on your Monitoring Information
<br />Schedule. We may, without notice to you, In response to govetnmental or insurance requirements, or otherwise In our sole dlscrellon, alter, amend Ot
<br />discontinue any of our pOlicies and procedures for alarm response, Also, you acknowledge and agree that any speciallmtructions provIded by you for
<br />the handling of alarm signals must be presented and agreed to by us in writing. We may, In our sole discretion, reject your special instrmtlons. You
<br />understand that any deviation ftom our normal Alarm Event handling procedures may result In increased risk of loss or damage 10 you and your
<br />Premises,
<br />
<br />(I) Telecommunications. You agree to provide a traditional telephone connectiOn to the Public Switched Te!ephone Network. Such connection
<br />shall have priority over any other telephone or other equipment, and shall be within ten (10) feet of the Equipment control panel. You acknowledge that
<br />your use of DSL, ADSl, Digital Phone, or Volee over Inlernet Protocol (VoIP), or other Internet based phone services may cause sIgnal transmission to our
<br />Central Station may be Interrupled, and that we do nol recommend use of such services for signal transmission unless supplemented by a backup
<br />service which may be provIded by us for an additional charge, If the Equipment Is configured to operate over such nontraditional service, or If you
<br />change your phone service 10 a nontraditional phone service after installation, then you aCknOwledge that Signal transmission may be Interrupted by
<br />Irregularities or Changes in that service, power outages, and ather circumstances beyond our control. ACCORDINGLY, IMMEDIATElY AFTER THE
<br />THE EQUIPMENT'S SIGNAL TRANSMISSION WITH THE CENTRAL STATION, At your request, we may provide alternative forms of alarm communlcatlon
<br />utililfng your broaduand internet service or a radio or cellular based system. You authorize us, on your behalf, to request services, orders or equipment
<br />from a telephone company or other company providing signaltrilnsmisslon or recepllon services or facilities under this Agreement. These services
<br />include providing lines, signal paths, scanning, Irammisslon and/or reception. You agree that the telecommunicatIon provider's liability Is Jlmlted 10 the
<br />same t'xtent our liability Is limited pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
<br />
<br />(II) Olgllal Communicator. If connection to OUr Central Statlon Is to be by Digital Communicator, you agree to prOVide a connection vIa a registered
<br />telephone Jack to a terephone channel required for the Equipment. Such connecHon shall have priority over any other telephone or Customer
<br />equipment, and shall be within ten (IO) feel of the Equipment control panel. At your request, tlnd at your sole cost and expense, we will prOVide such
<br />connectIon. You also acknowlC!dge that our Central Station cannot receive signals should your transmission mode become non.operatlonal for any
<br />reason, and Ihat signals from the digital communicator cannot be received If the transmission mode is cut. Interfered with, or Is otherwise damaged,
<br />
<br />IIjl) Radio Interface. If connection to our Central Station is to be by radio frequency, such as cellular or private radio, there may be times when the
<br />Equipment will be unable to acquire, trammit, or maintain an alarm signal, and that radio frequency transmissions may be impaired or interrupted by a
<br />variety of conditions and circumstances beyond our control, Including storms and power failures. Accordingly, the utilization of an additional means of
<br />communlCilt/ons is recommended. Also, changes In rules, regulations and policies of the FCC and other governmental bodies may require
<br />dlscont1nuatJon or modification of some or all of these SelVlccs.
<br />
<br />B. Inlernet Protocol Based Sel'Vlces. If any of the Services you select communicate or transmIt over an Internet protocol based service, you
<br />acknowledge and agree that: (I) you will maintain 120V AC power supply for each device; (ll) we are not responsible (or your net\vork or Internet
<br />services, which moly be affected by conditions beyond our control, olnd that any Interrupt!ons In your network or internet service may cause the Services
<br />to fall to operate as Intended; (Iii) you may be required to maintain a static IP address, which may require you to Incur additional costs, and that any
<br />changes to your IP address may cause a service Interruption; (IV) you may be reqUired to open certain portis) on your firewall for proper communication;
<br />and (v) you are responsible for the configuratIon of your routers, flrewalls, switches, and hubs, if applicable, to ensure communication with our Central
<br />Station.
<br />
<br />C. limited Warrantv, Subject to the Iin1italions and exclusions set forth below, during the Warranty Period fallowing installation reflected on page
<br />I of this Agreement, or on a separate Additional Premises Rider or Schedule of Protection, we will at our cost, repair or, at our option, replace, any
<br />defective part of the Equipment we Install, Including wiring, and will make any needed mechanical adjustments. We will use new or reconditioned parts
<br />for replacements. Our oblig.Jtions under this Paragraph are for your benefit only, and may not be enforced by any other person. The laws of your state
<br />may give you rights in addition to or different from those described herein.
<br />
<br />0, Extended Service Plan, Subject to the Ilmitations and exclusions set forth below, if you have subscribed to our htended Service Plan, then In
<br />lIeu of our Umited Warranty obligation, we will at our cost repair the Equipment we Install for the durat10n of the term of such htended Service Plan.
<br />Vour participation in the Extended Service Plan wlll automatIcally renew for Successive thirty 130) day terms at our then-current htended Service Plan
<br />rates unless terminated by either party's written nolice given at least thirty (30) days before the end of the then. current term. If you subscribe to Ihe
<br />Extended Servlc.e Plan alter Ihe Inlllal1nstallatlon, the Equipment must be In good working condition at the time of subsulption. To purchase our
<br />Extended Service Plan, call1.SOO-GET-HEtP.
<br />
<br />E. CameraslV/deo. We will Install and connett the camera devices described In this Agreement at your Premises. You acknowledge and agree that:
<br />(II the Equipment Is being Insta1it'd at your specific request and is for the safety and security of the employees, Invitees and other persons at the
<br />Premises. and for no other purpose; (ii) the Equipment will only be Installed in public areas within Ihe Premises, and wlll not be Installed or utlliled in
<br />any area where persons have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bathrooms, etc.; and (IIi) You wilt provIde adequate illumination under all
<br />operatfonal COnditions for the proper operation of the video camera and will provIde the 120 AC power supply where required. Based on the foHowing
<br />service selections, the camera(s) will be configured as follows: (1) e.Secure Video: the camera(s) may Ii) provide live streaming video which may be
<br />vIewed from your Prot~ctlon One account on a PC with adClludte internet conneclivity, or (iil send video refated 10 sllecific Alarm Events which mav be
<br />forwarded to your e.mail account or mobile device. Protection One will not receive or store these video recordings. m Verification Video Selvlce: the
<br />Equipmenl will be conrlgured to send Images to an alarm operator for verification of video imagesdireclly a~soclated with fire, burglary, panic, or critical
<br />condition alarm signals. (31 Remote LQ..1.Jlj;: an alarm operator will revlt'!w video images at regular Intervals as sclledult'u by you for Images asso<lilteLl
<br />with crlt!cill ilnd non.criUGII pvents ('I( conditions as deHI1t'd by you and accepted by us.
<br />
<br />F. RadiO/Cellular Service. (i) s'cwreCeU': We will instail and connect a radio or ceHular transmissIon device to the Equipment. rhe transmiSSion
<br />device wiJI be a backup communication link Y/Ith our Central Slatlon In the event that your regular telephone service or primary communlcallon link to
<br />our Central Station l~ dlsrupled. (II) PrlmeCp-II"': If you select PrlmeCell'" servIce, a radio or cellular trammlHlon device will be the Equipment's only
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