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2010-0303 Special City Commission Meeting
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City Commission Minutes
2010-0303 Special City Commission Meeting
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Summary Minutes: Special City Commission Meeting March 3, 2010 Sunny Isles Beach, Florida <br />4. DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />4A. Discussion of Possible Action on Contracts with Marlin Engineering for the Fishing Pier <br />and the Emergency Pedestrian Bridge Projects. <br />Action: Mayor Edelcup said he had asked for this discussion because it seems like all we are <br />hearing is one delay after another as far as the Pier or Bridge Permits. Nothing seems to be <br />moving forward and every time we have asked for an update, the target date for when we are <br />supposed to be getting permits just keeps moving further and further out even though we <br />have had people make commitments, Marlin in particular, that we would have things done on <br />a specific date. It seems like everyone has taken a very lackadaisical approach to getting this <br />done, and he thinks we need to put the pressure on and make sure that everybody understands <br />that we are totally annoyed at this point and want to keep moving forward. <br />City Manager Conner said he met with the Consultants yesterday and had a very frank and <br />honest discussion, and he asked them to create a schedule that must be adhered to which they <br />submitted to him last night, and the crucial date is April 26th showing 90% on the design plan <br />for the Pier. At that point they will be getting feedback from the permitting agencies to say <br />what items are and are not acceptable, they finish the drawings based on that, and then go out <br />to bid when the Permit is issued. He had a discussion last week with Commissioner Scholl <br />about some of these issues and it really helped get a perspective on the processes. Some of <br />the things that we might be able to do moving forward on future contracts is to stipulate that <br />there are deadlines and tie financial rewards to those deadlines with a significant <br />withholding. Also to look at an outside scheduling firm to develop an appropriate schedule <br />up front so that everybody knows what we are walking into, monitor that schedule and let us <br />know if there is any slippage and address it at that point. The Bridge design is done and we <br />are in the permitting process on that. <br />Mayor Edelcup said if people can't live up to schedules, then they don't deserve future <br />contracts with this City and he certainly will impart whatever experiences we have to the <br />other Mayors in the County and to the Miami -Dade League of Cities. City Manager Conner <br />said after the discussions he had yesterday and this morning he thinks we have people on <br />board and they understand what the Commission and staff expects. He said he feels that staff <br />is as much to blame as anyone and we understand the concerns with some of the additional <br />methods and contract approaches and this will not be a repeat performance. <br />Vice Mayor Thaler said he brought it up at every single meeting, and at every single meeting <br />everything was okay and on time. He will personally look at every contract that Marlin <br />Engineering has and unless there is a stipulation that they are on time, they are not going to <br />get the contract as long as he is here. This was supposed to be here February 15, and now it <br />is April, and this is as much fault inside as it is on Marlin for not sitting on them and just <br />taking their word for it. Commissioner Brezin said she shares the same feelings as Vice <br />Mayor Thaler but the point is now from the standpoint of progress, where do we go from <br />here, is it going to be the same stalling that we have had, or do we have an action that we can <br />take to just put a stop to this. Commissioner Goodman asked how many years it takes to <br />move the mangrove trees for the Bridge, we had the same thing with Town Center Park. It <br />shouldn't take that much time, and if there are problems we have people in Miami -Dade <br />County that can help us. <br />W <br />
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