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Summary Minutes:Regular City Commission Meeting June 19,2003 City of Sunny Isles Beach,Florida <br /> tonight, the structure would be 298-feet but without the Ordinance, it will go to 351-feet <br /> in height, and the parking garage would go from three stories to ten stories in height. <br /> Commissioner Goodman asked what the setbacks are in the front,and Mr.Schulman,Esq. <br /> said in both instances, it is 75-feet from the front, but one is at the bulkhead line with two <br /> stories, and the other is ten stories at the bulkhead line, which is permitted by the City's <br /> Zoning Code if you don't change the Ordinance tonight. Vice Mayor Edelcup noted that <br /> Mr. Schulman,Esq.,is showing us a building to do site specific zoning for that particular <br /> project, and Mr. Schulman, Esq., said it affects all 100-foot or less lots. <br /> Mr. Charles Sieger,Architect, noted that they tried to suppress the garages,and that this <br /> Ordinance allows relief for the 100-foot lots, when you have a 20-foot setback on each <br /> side of a 100-foot lot, you only have 60-feet to build the building in. When you take out <br /> the ramping for the cars, as a practical issue with the structure that holds up the building <br /> you can only get one row of cars,so what happens is you get a very inefficient garage and <br /> the garage gets very high and in this case,he studied the Sayan project,which is one of the <br /> three lots. This project needs relief, the 100-foot lots needs relief,and the relief is the VE <br /> situation and it is compounding the situation and making it extremely difficult, the <br /> underlying rights are there. Commissioner Goodman asked if the beach access would be <br /> flat from Collins Avenue to the beach and if the other side of the building would be <br /> landscaped, and Mr. Sieger said yes. Commissioner Goodman noted that there would be <br /> no landscaping if it is built from lot line to lot line, and he prefers tall and skinny so that <br /> there are view corridors,and Mr. Sieger said that there would still be landscaping on both <br /> sides of the building. <br /> Commissioner Kauffman felt that this amendment would allow a few small lots in Sunny <br /> Isles Beach that are uniquely affected by our Federal standards, to not have side setbacks <br /> minimizing the visual impact in the garages for themselves and their neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Kauffman explained why she voted the way she did. She explained that at <br /> last month's first reading,further study and debate needed to be done. She acknowledged <br /> that some were upset and she felt they did not understand her vote. She went on to <br /> explain that she now had the time and ability to understand the issues and determined <br /> what she felt was in the best interests of the City and the citizens. In spite of criticism and <br /> emotions she received, she went on to explain her one guiding rule, which is to take care <br /> of our City. She acknowledged that it is a complex issue regarding a relationship between <br /> Federal Flood Regulations and Zoning. She studied the alternative ordinances for the <br /> agenda, to understand their meaning and intent. She felt the question is, does our Zoning <br /> Code accomplish our intent in parking garages on the ocean. Her opinion was that <br /> properties of 100-feet, will either be bigger or taller and they will obstruct even more <br /> views unless this Ordinance is adopted. She further stated that this is not a vote on <br /> whether there should be high-rise development on the east side of Collins, we've made <br /> this decision and we have lived with this decision,and in her opinion it has been the right <br /> decision. She stated that this City is to a point that people want to live here and <br /> developers want to build here. She felt this is not about side setbacks, it is that these <br /> properties can legally be built on this land, and that the only real question is how the high- <br /> 10 <br />