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<br /> Section.,. O ..-. --. - - --!.! :. -'..,..- :. : 4. •'.....'.- .. ' .: ;;:,. ...'.r.
<br /> Included2(This-IsiNgt! .in TheMonthly:Maintenance),-.
<br /> NOTE: The quantities shown in this Bid Form are estimates only! They may vary significantly from the
<br /> actual quantities ordered by the City. Payments shall be for the units ordered, placed, and accepted by
<br /> the City. The Bidders, by signing this Bid Form and Contract, fully acknowledges that he/she will receive
<br /> no additional compensation (no overhead, no anticipated profits, etc.) other than the proposal unit price
<br /> of the items times the number of items authorized, ordered, placed, and accepted by the City.
<br /> No. Ref UNIT PRICE Extended
<br /> Item DESCRIPTION Est. Qty. (For One •Total
<br /> No. , Item)
<br /> Shrubs& Groundcover
<br /> 38 Aechmea blanchetiana - Orange Bromeliad
<br /> Fl 25
<br /> 3 gallon $ 30.00 $ 750.00
<br /> 39 Aechmea blanchetiana - Orange Bromeliads
<br /> F2 7 gallon 25 $ 40.00 $1,000.00
<br /> 40 Alcantarea imperialis—Imperial Bromeliad 25
<br /> F317"Pot $ 170.00 $4,250.00
<br /> 41 Arachis glabrata - Rhizoma(Perennial)
<br /> F4 Peanut 200 $ 2.00 $400.00
<br /> 1 gallon
<br /> 42 Argusia gnaphalodes- Sea Lavender
<br /> F5 3 gallon 25 $ 10.00 $ 250.00
<br /> 43 Bromeliad Neorgelia'Fireball'
<br /> F6 1 gallon 25 $ 7;00 $ 175.00
<br /> 44 Capparis cynophallophora -Jamaica Caper
<br /> F7 50 $ 9.00 $ 450.00
<br /> 3 gallon
<br /> 45 Chrysobalanus icaco'Horizontal'
<br /> F8 Horizontal Cocoplum 50 $ 9.00 $ 450.00 •
<br /> 3 gallon
<br /> 46 Chrysobalanus icaco'Red Tip'- Cocoplum
<br /> F9 3 gallons 100 $ 9.00 $ 900.00
<br /> 47 Chrysobalanus icaco'Red Tip'- Cocoplum
<br /> F10 7 gallon 25 $ 30.00 $ 750.00
<br /> City of Sunny Isles Beach I ITB 18-03-02 Parks and Recreational Facilities Landscape Maintenance Services
<br />