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Ms.Genesis Cuevas <br /> CTA Proposal No. 2018-UO3.383 (Revised) <br /> July 18, 2019 <br /> Page 4 • <br /> 1.2 Project Definition <br /> Based upon kickoff meeting with the CITY, CTA shall compile budgetary cost estimates <br /> for the complete project. With input from the utilities, CTA will prepare a preliminary <br /> schedule of the project to identify project milestones. CITY understands that at this <br /> stage, the project is extremely conceptual with minimal input from FP&L or other <br /> Utilities. Budget estimates are based upon general assumptions validated where <br /> possible by FP&L and Utility providers. Estimates will identify general assumptions and <br /> qualifications. <br /> 1.3 Meetings/Coordination with FP&L and Utilities <br /> FPL- CTA to introduce project to FP&L and identify project as defined by CITY. Through <br /> meetings and correspondence, CTA will determine project details, including existing and <br /> proposed utility locations, service connections, easements, service requirements, <br /> timelines, phasing, limitations, tariff, responsibilities (FP&L, CITY, and CTA), preliminary <br /> costs, and other information needed to move the project forward as well as <br /> coordination with other utilities. <br /> Other Utilities — In conjunction with FP&L, CTA shall solicit other utilities to introduce <br /> the project and identify details including existing and proposed utility locations, service <br /> connections, easements, service requirements, timelines, phasing, limitations, permit <br /> procedures, preliminary costs, pole/line agreements, relocation, design criteria and <br /> other information needed to move the project forward and coordination with other <br /> utilities. Other utilities include phone, cable,water,gas, sanitary and storm sewers. <br /> City— In providing the above services, CTA shall attend periodic meetings with CITY to <br /> provide review and update of findings. The frequency of meetings will be as <br /> determined by CITY and predicated by progress and issues that arise. Services for this <br /> task to be billed on an hourly basis with a Not-to-Exceed cost. Additional fees will only <br /> be paid with prior authorization and approval from the CITY. For the purpose of this <br /> proposal, CTA estimate of effort assumes an average of 4 hours per week over a period <br /> of ten (10)weeks to be spent on meetings and coordination with CITY. <br /> 1.4 Existing Conditions Plan <br /> In addition to soliciting information from utilities identified within the project limits, <br /> CTA shall research existing atlases, right-of-way maps, survey, plat, and as-builts to <br /> assess completeness. Once compiled, information will be analyzed to determine if <br /> sufficient to create a base file for design within the corridor. The purpose of this task is <br /> to gather information necessary to create an electronic base-file depicting existing <br /> conditions to be used for design. The intent of this task is to locate existing features <br /> with a reasonable degree of accuracy so that proposed improvements can be designed <br /> CRAVEN 1HONIPSON&ASSOCIATES INC. <br />