be furnished to the Cityy along with the Bid response. Failure toodelivery scheduules may result in thhe Contractor being found in
<br />furrnish these documennts or to have requuired licensor will beedefault.
<br />groounds for rejecting thee Bid.
<br />In case of defaault by the Proposers, the City of Sunny Isles Beach
<br />Prooposers shall furnish tto the Office of the Citty Clerk, City of Sunnyymay procure thhe articles or servicess from other sources and hold
<br />Isles Beach, 18070 Coollins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Floridaathe Proposers responsible for anyy excess costs occassioned or
<br />33160, certificate(s) off insurance which indicate that insuranceeincurred therebby.
<br />covverage has been obtained from an insurancce company authorizedd
<br />todo business in the SState of Florida or ottherwise secured in aa1.29SECONDARY//OTHER VENDORS:
<br />maanner satisfactory to the City, for those coverage types andd
<br />ammounts listed in this ddocument, in an amouunt equal to 100% oofThe City reservves the right in the evvent the primary vendoor cannot
<br />thee requirements and shall be presented to the City prior tooprovide an itemm(s) or service(s) in a ttimely manner as requuested, to
<br />isssuance of any Contracct(s) or Award(s) Docuument(s). The City oofseek other sourrces without violating tthe intent of the Contract.
<br />Suunny Isles Beach shaall be named as "additional insured" withh
<br />resspect to this coveragge. The required certificates of insurancee1.30 DEFINITIONSS:
<br />shaall not only name thee types of policies prrovided, but shall alsoo
<br />reffer specifically to this Bid and section. At the time of BiddWherever used in these General Condditions or in the other Contract
<br />submission the Proposeers must submit certifficates of insurance assDocuments, thee following terms shalll have the meaning inddicated
<br />outlined in the General Conditions section. AAll required insurancesswhich shall be aapplicable to both the singular and plural thhereof:
<br />shaall name the City of SSunny Isles Beach as additional insured andd
<br />succh insurance shall bee issued by companiees authorized to issueeAcceptance:Acceptancce by the City of the Work as
<br />inssurance in the State oof Florida. It shall be the responsibility oofbeing fullyy complete in accordaance with
<br />thee Proposers and insurrer to notify the City MManager of the City oofthe Conttract Documents suubject to
<br />Suunny Isles Beach of cancellation, lapse, or mmaterial modification ofwaiver of claims.
<br />any insurance policies insuring the Proposers, which relate to thee
<br />acttivities of such vendor and the City of Sunnny Isles Beach. SuchhAgreement: The writteen Agreement between the City
<br />nootification shall be in wwriting, and shall be submitted to the Cityyand the CContractor covering thee Work to
<br />finance support service director thirty (30) days prior toobe perfoormed, which incluudes the
<br />canncellation of such policies. This requiremennt shall be reflected onnContract DDocuments.
<br />thee certificate of insurrance. Failure to fuully and satisfactorilyy
<br />comply with the city's insurance and bondding requirements setWritten oor graphic instruments issued
<br />Addenda:
<br />forrth herein will authoorize the City Manaager to implement aaprior to tthe Bid Opening whicch modify
<br />resscission of the Bid award without further Ciity Commission action.or interpret the Contract Doocuments,
<br />Thhe Proposers hereby holds the City harmmless and agrees tooDrawings and Specificatioons, by
<br />inddemnify City and coveenants not to sue the City by virtue of suchhaddition, deletions, clarifications or
<br />resscission. correctionns.
<br />1.25 ASSSIGNMENT: Means approved by the City.
<br />Approved:
<br />Thhe Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performanceeBid:The offer of the Proposers submitted on
<br />reqquired by this Bid wwithout prior written consent of the Cityythe presccribed form setting forth the
<br />Maanager. Any award isssued pursuant to thee Request for Proposaalprices for the Work to be perforrmed.
<br />and monies which may bbe due hereunder are not assignable except
<br />witth prior written approoval of the City Manaager. Further, in theeProposers:Any perrson, firm or coorporation
<br />event that the majorityy ownership or conttrol of the Contractorsubmittingg a Bid for Work.
<br />chaanges hands subseequent to the awarrd of this contractt,
<br />Coontractor shall prompttly notify City in writiing (via United StatessBonds: Bid, perrformance bond annd other
<br />Poostal Service – Certifieed Mail, Return Receippt Requested) of suchhinstrumennts of security, furnished by the
<br />chaange in ownership or control at least thirrty (30) days prior tooContractor and their suurety in
<br />succh change and City shhall have the right to tterminate the contractaccordancce with the Contract
<br />uppon sixty (60) days wriitten notice, at City’s ssole discretion. Documentts and in accordance with the
<br />law of thee State of Florida.
<br />rr: A written order to the Contracttor signed
<br />Change Orde
<br />Thhe Contractor shall inddemnify, hold harmlesss, and defend the Cityyby the CCity authorizing an addition,
<br />ofSunny Isles Beach, itt's officers, agents andd employees from andddeletion oor revision in the Woork, or an
<br />against any claims, demmands or causes of action of whatsoeveradjustmennt in the Contract Price or the
<br />kinnd or nature arising ouut of error, omission, nnegligent act, conductt,Contract TTime issued after exeecution of
<br />ormisconduct of thee Contractor, their agents, servants orthe Agreeement.
<br />emmployees in the provision of goods or the peerformance of servicess
<br />pursuant to this Bid andd / or from any procurrement decision of theeCity:City of Suunny Isles Beach, 180770 Collins
<br />Citty including without limitation, awarding the Contract to theeAvenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida
<br />Coontractor. 33160.
<br />1.27 NOON-CONFORMANCEE TO CONTRACT: Contract Docuuments: Contract Documents shall include,
<br />Instructions to Proposers, Coontractor's
<br />Thhe City of Sunny Islees Beach may withhoold acceptance of, orBid, the BBonds, the Notice of Award, the
<br />rejject items which are found upon examination, not to meet theeAgreemennt between the CCity and
<br />speecification requiremennts. Upon written nootification of rejection,Contractor as well as any addenda
<br />iteems shall be removed within (5) calendar ddays by the vendor atthereto, these General Coonditions,
<br />theeir own expense andd redelivered at their expense. RejecteddSpecial Conditions, the Technical
<br />gooods left longer than thirty (30) calendar daays will be regarded assSpecifications, Drawings and
<br />abandoned and the Cityy shall have the right to dispose of them assModificatioons, Notice to Proceed,
<br />its own property. Rejecction for non-conformaance or failure to meetRequest for Proposal, IInsurance
<br />Certificatees, Change Ordeers and
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