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<br /> <br />RFQ No. 20-07-01 <br />City of Sunny Isles Beach Beach <br />August 2020 <br /> <br />D – Project Approach and Understanding <br /> <br />understanding of the project scope and commitment to the project goals, and finding the <br />best way to take the project to a successful completion. One of the key aspects is to define <br />the project area and ultimate project goals. Since our staff are also engineers, we know exactly what <br />engineers need from surveys, as they are mostly used as a basis of engineering design or planning. <br />After the scope has been established, our managing team and project engineers will each think as an <br />extension of the City staff. In this phase, PDS will provide coordination with all stakeholders, including <br />the Utilities Department, City departments, and other government agencies involved in a project. <br />Staying in constant contact and communication with all applicable stakeholders ensures a project team <br />that understands the impact of all those involved. <br /> <br />A systematic, coordinated, and logical approach to project execution creates a collaborative effort that <br />optimizes planning, design, construction management, and operational activities. Our management <br />team will develop the following tasks: <br /> Develop and Define Project Intent, Scope, and Responsibilities <br /> Identify Responsible Staff and Assignments <br /> Highlight City Procedures and Standards Related to this Task <br /> Define Team Structure and Reporting Procedures <br /> Develop an Efficient Project Schedule and Tracking Mechanisms <br /> Develop Cost and Budgetary Constraints and Tracking Mechanisms <br /> Create a Regulatory Agency Tracking Sheet and Permitting Procedures <br /> Develop a Customized QA/QC Program and Enforcement Tools <br /> <br />44