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Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.
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(20-07-01) Continuing Professional Consulting Services (CCNA)
Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.
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STANDARD FORM 330 (REV. 8/2016) PAGE 24 <br />RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR <br />Continuing Professional Consulting Engineering Services-Environmental Engineering <br />#BID 20-07-01 <br /> <br /> <br />Baseline Indoor Air Quality Investigations- <br />Proactive building system maintenance and management programs are the key to resolving potential IAQ problems <br />prior to manifestation of occupant health complaints. Management programs, which include annual baseline IAQ <br />investigations, have proven to reduce building management costs by identifying improperly operating building systems <br />before indoor air quality problems result in occupant health complaints and costly remediation. <br />A typical GBTS baseline annual IAQ survey may include: <br /> Complete Inspection of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. <br /> Walk through inspection for potential sources and pathways of poor air quality. <br /> Review of current in-house HVAC maintenance programs. <br /> Collection of thermal comfort parameters (temperature and relative humidity). <br /> Evaluation of fresh air entering the building. <br /> Screening for chemical agents (e.g. Formaldehyde, TVOCs) as appropriate. <br /> Monitoring for other common agents associated with IAQ complaints including airborne mold and bacteria, <br />particulates, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. <br /> <br />COVID-19 Technical Services- <br />As a matter of risk, we believe that you need to have certain things in place in order to initiate and maintain daily <br />operations in this environment. Employees will probably be apprehensive enough coming back into buildings, but <br />without seeing safeguards in place apprehension may turn to fear or resistance. Our goal is to avoid this and to help <br />present the workplace as safe for employees, guests, and customers. As consultants and industrial hygienists, we feel <br />that business owners, building operators, and schools, for example, should have unified and comprehensive Re- <br />Occupancy Infection Control and Prevention Program in place to address risk reduction in the workplace. This involves <br />risk evaluations and the application of engineering and administrative controls, along with use of personal protective <br />equipment, which can be a monumental challenge to find these days. The controls should reshape the work <br />environment in subtle, yet effective ways, as not to be shocking or overly burdensome. This program should also <br />include written disinfection protocols in place ready to use. These may be tailored to specific sites to guide remediation <br />or disinfection crews and custodial staff in performing either reactive cleaning events in response to known COVID <br />cases, and proactive, routine cleaning in order to keep risk of infection and transmission down. These activities should <br />have industrial hygiene oversight and documentation in order to ensure that the work was performed correctly and <br />comprehensively. If cleaning or custodial staff is used to perform proactive cleaning, they should be trained in the <br />proper methods and personal protection. <br />Since early March we have been involved in customer response to the corona virus pandemic. We have addressed these <br />concerns in operating and shuttered facilities including heavy and electronics manufacturing, retail, commercial office, <br />schools, data centers, food processing facilities, multifamily residential housing properties, and construction sites. We <br />have created site-specific disinfection protocols for preventive and routine cleaning in advance of (and after) a positive <br />tested individual. <br />All of this work is coordinated by a team of Certified Industrial Hygienists (CH) and Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) <br />positioned in Chicago, New York, New Jersey and Florida, and a national network of over 50 CIH and CSP professionals <br />operating under a consistently applied program, designed for the client’s facility type(s) and operations. <br />Our goal is not to capitalize on these already hard times, but to get things back to normal. If you have any questions or <br />require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. <br />• COVID-19 Operations and Management Program – a written program with onsite risk assessments designed to <br />guide owners, building managers, and employers on transitioning their workforce back into the workplace while <br />minimizing the risk of new spread or transmission of the virus.
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