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20. iNI)H.MNIFIC.A'IION AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. The Contractor agrees, to <br />the fullest extent permitted bylaw, to defend; indemnify and hol(I hannless the City, its agents, <br />representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees from and against claims, darnatges, <br />losses and expenses (including but not limited it) a(iorney's fees, arbitration costs, and costs of <br />appellate proceedings) rchiting to, arising out of or resulting from the C:ontraclorls negligent <br />nets, errors, mistakes or omissions relating to prgfcssional Services performed under this <br />Agreement, The Conlractor'S duty to defend, hold ha miles and indemnify the City, its agents, <br />representatives, officers, directors, officials and employees shall arise in connection with any <br />claim, damage, loss or expense that is attributable to bodily injury, sicluicss; disease; dvalh; or <br />injury to impatirnient, or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting <br />therefrom, caused by any t}egligent acts, errors, mistal:us or omissions reltatcd to Services in the <br />performance of this Agroement including any person for whose acts, errors, rniaakeh or <br />tmiimions the C'.ontractor, ntaty be legally liable. The parties agree that TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) <br />represents spec:iEic consideration to thK Contractor for the indemnificattirm Set forth in this <br />Agreement. <br />21, MISCELLAN>frC)>iJS. <br />A. In the event any provision of this Agreement is found to be void and <br />unenforceable by as eOLM ofe0111petent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement <br />shall nevertheless be binding upon the parties with the same effect m though the void or <br />unenforceable provisions had been sovorod and deleted, <br />B. This Agreernent muy be executed in multiple Wenkall counterparts, tach of <br />which shall be deemed an original for all purposes, <br />C. No waiver ofatny provision o/'this Agreement shall he valid of cnforecable unless <br />such waiver is in writing; and signed by the party granting sueh waiver. <br />D. Fath individual executing this Agreement on behalf of a party hereto hereby <br />represents and warrants that he or she is, on the (late he or she sign.; this; Agreerliont, duly <br />nutborizod by all nrecssary and appropriate action to execute this Agreement on beltall'olf such <br />party and does w with full legal Authority to bind their respective party to this ,Agreement. <br />L•'. '['his Agrcoment contains the entire agreement of tite ptlrties. and may be <br />amended, ,klaived, changed, modified, extended or rescinded only by in writing signed by the <br />party against whom any suer arnendme•nt, waiver, change, atiodification, extension and/or <br />rescission is sought. <br />F. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any terin, statement, requirement, <br />or proviMon oaf any exhibit attached here-to, any doctiniont or events referred to herein, or any <br />Jocumenl incorporated into this Agreernent, the tarn, statement, requirernwit, or provision <br />comained in this Agreennent shall prevail and he given superior effcet and priority over any <br />conflicting or inconairtent tenn, statement, requirement or provision eonvainod in any other <br />document or attachment, including but neat limited to attachments "A" and "B" <br />I(tr-6841 S1JIIHRIoR LANSCAYIMe & IA WN SERV ICE, INC: <br />