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Executive Order 11248 as amended by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086. The Cuntractorwill <br />not discriminate against tiny employee or applicant for employmem because of race, color, creed, <br />rcligion, ancestry, national origin, sex, disability or other handicap, age, Infarital/Carnilial status, <br />or slants with regard to public assisianec. The Contractor will take affirmative action to insure <br />that all employment practices arc free Rom such discrimination. Such employment practices <br />include but arc not limited to the following; hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment <br />or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and <br />selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous <br />places, available to elrlployees and applicants £oI' employment, notices to be prtovi(led by the City <br />selling forth the provisions of this tion -discrimination elapse. Tile Contfac-toI' agrees to comply <br />with any l'edeTal r gWation$ issued pursualrlt l.� compliance with Section 504 of the <br />Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 708), which prohibits discrimination against the <br />handicapped in any Federally assisted program.. <br />18, PROHIJ31TION AQAINST CONTRACTING WITTJ SCRUTINIZED <br />COMPANIES. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 217.4725, contracting with any entity that <br />is liste(I un the Scrutinizes] Companies that Boycott Israel List or that is engaged in the boycott <br />of Israel is prohibited. Contractors must t ertiiy that the company is not participating in a boycott <br />oi' Israel. Any contract for goods or services of One Million Dolhirs ($1,000,000) or more shall <br />be tennllnated at the City's option il'iI is discovered that the entity submitted false documents of <br />certification, is listed onthe Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan hist, the ;scrutinized <br />Companies with Activities in the Iran I'etroleutn Energy Sector List, or has been engatgtd in <br />business operatiton,, in Cuba or Syria after.luly 1, 2018. <br />Any contract entered into or renewed atter July 1, 2018 shall be tenninated at the City's option <br />if the company is listed on tilt Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel T.,isl or engaged in the <br />boycott of Tsraei. Contractors must submit the certification that is attached to this agreement. <br />Submitting a false certification shall be deemed a material breach of contract, Tho City shall <br />provide notice, in writing, to the Contractor of the City's determination concerning the false <br />certification. The Contractor Shall have ninety (90) days following receipt of the notice to <br />respond in writing and demonstrate that the determination was in error. If the Contractor does <br />not donionstrate that talc City's determination of false ce.rtificaution was mado in error, then tho <br />City "'hall have the right to tcrmillatc the contract and seek civil remedies pui.suant to Florida <br />Statute Section 215.4727. <br />19. CONFLiCT UN Ilt''1'EREST. The (contractor agrees to adhere to and he governed by <br />the Miami -Dade County Conflict of Interest Ordinance Section 2-11.1, as amended; and by <br />chapter 33 of the City of `wanly Isles Beach Code of Ordinainces, which are incorporated by <br />rei'erence herein as if fully set forth herein, in connection with the Agreement conditiolls <br />hereunder. The Contractor covotlatlts that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any <br />interest, directly or indirectly which should conflict in any manner or degree with The <br />peri'omzance ol'the Services. The Contractor further covenants that in the performance ol'this <br />,agreement: no person having any such interest shall knowingly be employed by the Contractor. <br />The Conlractor guarantees that he/she has not offered or given to any member of; delegate 10 the <br />Congress of the United States, any or part of this Agreement orio any benefit arising therefrom. <br />Iot-6841 SUPPRIOR 1ANSCAPINC11 &- I,AWW' SUVICE, INC. <br />