City of Sunny. -isles bleach 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160
<br />(305) 947-0606 phone (305) 949-3113 fax
<br />15. AUDIT. The Contractor shall make• available to the City omits representative all reggired
<br />financial records gssociaied with the Agrepmgpt for a period of tbree (3) years, . • .
<br />16. NON=nYSCYtI1VIINATION. The Contractor agrees to comply with al{ loCal.and siate
<br />Civil fights ordinances and with Tit1c VI of'the Civil flight~ Act of 1984 as amended, Title. V111
<br />of the Civil Rights Act of 1.908 as amended. Tittc 1 of the 116tWng• and Community
<br />Devolopmcnt• Act of 1974 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the
<br />.Americans vinth Disabilities Act of 1990, the •Age -Discrimination Act of 1975, Execuiive.Order
<br />l 1063,. and with Gxecutive'Order 11248 as amended by Executive Ordets 11375 and 12086. 'jute
<br />Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of
<br />race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sept, disability of O$dr handicap, age,
<br />marital/familial status, or status with regard to public asvistvtce.
<br />The Contractor will take affirmative .action to insure that all errtplayrrierit practices are free from
<br />Such discrinlinAnda, Sitch eoplttymtmt practices include but are not limited to the following:
<br />hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or rpe ui4mcnt advertising, layoff; termination,
<br />rated of pay gr other forms of•compcnsation, and. selection for training, including apprenticeship.
<br />The Contractor agamos• to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for
<br />cmploym&nt, ttotices to be provided by the City setting forth the provisions of this tyan,
<br />discrimination clause. The Contractor -agrees to comply with any Federal regulations issued
<br />pursuant to compliance with Section .504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U,S.C. 908),
<br />which prefiN(5 discrimination against the hattdigapped,in any Federally assisted program,
<br />17. CONFLICT OP IiNTEIMT. The Conttactor agrees to adhere to and be governed by
<br />the Miami Dade County Conflict of Interest ordinance Section 2-11.1, as amextded; and by the
<br />City of Sunny isles Reach Q,xdinancc No. 99-82, vvbicb are incorporated by refemce herein as if
<br />fqlty set forth herein, in connection with the Agreement condidohs hereunder. The •Confraetor
<br />covenants that it presently has no ioterest and shall not aeq'tare any interest; directly or indirectly
<br />which should conflict in dny manner or tgree• ivitb the pOotmauce or Services under this
<br />Agreement. The. Contractor further covenant's -that in the performance. of this Agreement, no
<br />periost having any such interest shall knowiiigly'N. eniiployed by the Cgatnwtor. The'Cgntiadtor
<br />givararitees'that behhe bas opt o1i:OW or given to any member of, delegate to the Congress of the
<br />United States,. any or part of this pontr4cr or to eny bmtpfit arising -therefrom.
<br />IS.' INORMINI1'.t'ICATION AND WAI'ItER• OF LA&IO.A` y. To the :fullest extent
<br />pe�nniitted by law, -thc Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold-hatmltss the City,, ir$ agtiits,
<br />f4 presentatives, offiem, directors, officials and 'employeea from any claims., liabilities, damages,
<br />losses and eosis, including, but not limited to, •reasonablo attorney fees 'to the extept cause, to
<br />whole .or in part; by the'prdfes3iohfd i tiigencp, vrtot ox omission of the Contrcctor•or persons
<br />employed or ittilized•by the.Cotitraetor in performance -of Services under this Agrecmeni..
<br />Coittiactor shalt at:all krncs, hereafter indemnify; •itolll harmless and, at lite City's option, defend
<br />or pay for an, attorney selected• by the City to. defend City, its .agents, representatives, Mects,
<br />"diriWars, oliicials gnd 'employees from and agdinst any and all causes of action, dbirmands,
<br />claims, los.4es,•liabilities and. expenditures -of any kind, including atturngy-fees, court costs; -and.
<br />evgns.cs, -caused or -alleged -to be caused by the intentional or negligent act• of,••or•omissipn• of
<br />Contractor, including those of tht it employees, agents, servants, or 'officers, -or acct ft,
<br />resulting fYom, or directly related to the subject matter of this Agreement including, willipot
<br />2OW 42a lade "taprini, inc. 9
<br />