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City. of Sunny Isles Reach: 19070 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 331610 <br />(305) 947-0606 phone (305) 949-3113 Pax.. <br />limitation, any and all claims,'losses, liabilities, expenditures, dema>ids or -causes of action of any <br />nature Whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property.. In the: <br />event any lawsuit or other proceeding is brought against City by reason. of any such claim, cause <br />of action of demand, Conttroetot shall, upon written notice from City', resist and defend such <br />lawsuit or proceeding by counsel satisfactory to City. <br />The iirovisions and obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or eatlier termination <br />of Phis A*cment. To the extent considered 'necessary by City, any stint due Coturwar undcr' <br />this Agreement may be retained by City until all of City's'elaims for indemnificationpurbuant•to <br />this Agrccmcnt have been sdttled or othkmdse resolved, ;md any amount withhold shall not be <br />subject tb payment'of interest by City. 'The parties agccc that Ono Hundred •Dollars ($10Q.00) <br />icpresents specific consideration tb the Contractor for the indemnification set forth in this <br />Agtoemcrit. <br />19. COMIPLUME WITH LAW. Contractor shall comply with all la%M regulations. and <br />ordinances Of any federal, state, or local go <br />vemmett(al authority having jurisdiction with respect <br />to this Agrecmcnc ('`Applicable Laws-) and shall obtain and maintain any and all material <br />permits, licenses, approvals and consents necessary for the lawful cbinduct of the activities <br />contemplated under this Agreement <br />20. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. The terms .and conditions m this Apeemept shall <br />Supersede and take priority over any.inponsistent or conflicting provisions that are c9ntained in <br />arty other document, .including. but not limited to. Attachment "A". <br />21. PROHIBITION. AGAII\ST CONTRACTING; WTTH SCRUTMD: <br />C..Q_ PANIES. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section ?,13'1.135, contracting. with •any entity that is <br />listed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycsotl Isracl List or that•is engaged in the boycott df <br />} Istael is jrtbhibited. Cdzisultaft s muse Wily that the compatry is not paxticipating in a boycott of <br />Israel. Any contract for goods o'r service of One Miillion'lQ.11ars ($1,000,000) pa IANC sbsll ttc <br />termidated at the City's pption if it is dispuvdrod'that the entity subm i4od false documents of <br />.rei4catign,'is listed:on the Scrutinized Compaides• with Activities in Sudan List, the 8cratiched <br />Companies with Activities in ibe Iran Petroleum, Energy Sector Ligt, or has been engaged in <br />'busitiess. operations in Cuba or gria after July 1., 2019. <br />Any contract .entered into or renewed after July 1, 2018 shall be terminated at'the City's option if <br />e: any <br />is listed on tine Scrutinized ConVanies that .Boycot[ Israel List or engaged in the <br />boyC ott of Israel. Coniultahts trust submit thc•deitificAdon dttaetxed to this agren"nt as <br />j Altfichment "W'. Submitting a Use ce ficq!juA shP1i be deemed a material breach oE contract. <br />The City shall proviso notice, in writing, to fire Consultant of the City's, determination <br />' obneeininp the false certifiegUbh. Tlic. Consultant shall' have ninety (tJD) •days following receipt of <br />the notice• to •respond in waiting an d demonstrate 'that• ,the. dderniination was in error..j_f 'the <br />j Coxrsult pt Opp nut demonstrate that the City's determination of fitlse certification was ttnade Wit <br />error, then'661City'sir'all have the'rig'ht to terminate thc•ootitrmt and Seek cirri) remedies piuw-�&l <br />! to Florida•Statutc-Scetion•287.t35: <br />IMID 4M Jorb Eumpthet tile. 10 <br />