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Gly of Sunny Isles f(leach 19070.4ollins Avenue, Sunny isles Beach, Florida 33160 <br />(305) 447-0606 phone (305) 949-3113 rax <br />22. MSCELLATNEOUS. <br />A. In the event any provision ;of this Agreement is found to be void and <br />undnforceable by. a court of compelenl jurisdiWo* the remaining provisions of this Agreement <br />shall ncycrihelcss be binding upon the patties with the same effect as though the void or <br />prienfofceable•provisions hid been sevgW a4d deleted. <br />B. This Agreement may be executed in multiple identical counte4mm, each of <br />which shall be cieetxted.aa oziigieal.•fot'•all purposes. <br />C. This Agreement shall canstitute the entire agreeincnt between the patties with <br />respect to the subjcct.matter hcrcol and it shall supersede all. previbwq and contemporaneous oral <br />-and Written nagotiFations,-commitmems, agreemeata and widemandings relating hereto, <br />1). Arty madiliicsation of this Agreement shall be effective only if in wTiting and <br />signed by the patties io this Agreement. <br />E. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be valid or enforceable unless <br />such waiver is in writing and signed by the party Scanting such waivcr. <br />F. Force rnajeure. Neithar part} shall be obligated tb perform any duty, re.quiretuent <br />or obligation under this Agreetuent if such perfombMde is pteveofed, by fire, hwOcan'c, <br />'earthquake, explosion, wars, sabotage; accident, flood; acts of God, Mikes, or other labor <br />disputes, riot or civil. commotions, or by reaaoia of any athct matter or eopd tigg beyond the <br />Eamtol of either patty, and which .caauot be overcame by reasonable diligence and without <br />unusual expense ('Torre M;d9mc")., <br />IN J VVITNESS WIWI RTOR, the parties hereto have executed this Agrecmcxtt as of the <br />datel menti6ned above. <br />WITNESS: <br />Signature <br />Nn4Narilt <br />JQRDA I MII;PRIS&S, INC. <br />Ptint Nam <br />Title <br />1010 ;47rA j&6 ahtdepKiam lae. 11 <br />